[@Cerces22] Once Thortan answered the door and Liz could be positive it was not some elaborate trap, she reached up to properly lower her hood. A sigh escaped, a flicker of irritation culminating in the woman giving in to the moment of humor. She had eyed him for a moment, a mixture of relief and aggravation littering her features. She still could not go home, and there was no doubt Thortan was aware of it. "Lyceum is thriving, behind its walls. Of course. My brother sends word as often as he can." She had paused for a moment, that abnormal yellow gaze redirecting to take in the face of the structure she stood before. A deep breath had been drawn, and almost involuntarily the woman had extracted a slender silver case from her cloak. As she popped it open the rows of neatly rolled cigarettes were revealed, black rolling paper accented with a simple purple stripe toward the bottom. It was an indication they were unusual smokables. The mixture of sweet herbs and specially crafted oils to lace them gave off an alluring aroma, even as she struck a match and let the tip flare to life. The ember glowed fiercely with that first pull, smoke erupting from her lips in a velvety cloud. She eased visibly as a second drag was taken and held, the smoke steeping in her lungs for a few moments before she exhaled heavily and continued. "I didn't want to come, because I didn't want to lose. I feel like..." She grimaced, expression twitching once more as if she had pushed one of her [i]own[/i] buttons. "I've not received word from you or the Queen of late, and with your most recent letter I thought perhaps taking a break from hiding might be wise."