The mark was a club on Persephone owned by a retired Alliance Captain. It was a middle class lounge style bar, the kind of place respectable Alliance officers and business people would go to relax after a long, hard day of telling other people what to do. It was the kind of place that would dislike Serenity's crew simply because of their politics. The plan was simple enough, though. The club was running a "Battle of the Bands" contest this weekend to find new talent to perform there, with the winner being guaranteed at least 10 Saturday nights over the next year. Some of the crew had entered as "Mourning Serenity", a low-key band which wouldn't draw suspicion when their "Manager" Malcolm Reynolds started wondering around the club asking questions. Badger had informed them that the owner kept a safe in his office that held over ten thousand platinum every night, the club's income, which badger would split with them 50/50. River, the lead singer for their "band" began to [url=]sing[/url], distracting the club-goers and staff long enough for Mal to slip away. [hr] We will basically be picking up Firefly where it left off. Three months have passed since the "Miranda Incident" and the Alliance has started to crack down on anti-government "radicals" and Independence sympathizers. I'd prefer to only control NPCs, but will control unclaimed crew if I need to. River's telepathy will be limited to surface thoughts and feelings. We'll be Serenity's crew, maybe with a few additions. [h3]Taken Characters:[/h3] Malcolm Reynolds: Zoe Washburn: Kaylinette Lee Fry: River Tam: Simon Tam: Jayne Cobb: Inara Sera: (Maybe isn't crew, or is with a customer currently) New Crew 1: (NPC from the show) New Crew 2: (NPC from the show or OC) New Crew 3: (NPC from the show or OC)