Ok everyone, the last IC post has been updated, leading us right into the fight. I got some errands to run, but [s]later this evening, when I get home, I could post again to really, officially kick things off.[/s] Until then, here's the basic setup: Team 1: [@Banana][@Silver Carrot][@BKburke] with Stryker, Kira, Lataniva, and Joe. Orders: Scout fortress for anti-air defenses and disable them. Team 2: [@Xandrya] with Carver, Arex, Ian, Raisin, Vulcaan, Juli and Jen. Engage rear assault Team 3: [@Hawlin][@Dealdric] with Grayson, SAL, Marcus, and Harriet. Orders: Engage in frontal assault. Team 4: (Still on the Revenant) Ace, Seth, Ren, Maxi. Orders: Wait for the all-clear to engage using the ship's weapons. This is roughly what I'm going for in terms of the valley's appearance, just with obviously a more futuristic look on the fortress: [url]http://www.caucasus-trekking.com/Images/Treks/Truso/Fullscreen/16_ZakagoriView.jpg[/url] [url]https://img00.deviantart.net/c8ad/i/2017/067/c/e/valley_fortress_by_onlychasing_safety-db1muak.jpg [/url] EDIT: You may have noticed there was no post. I decided to delay it until after I got a PM response from everyone just to make sure we're all on the same page and everyone's happy re: individual roles for this final battle