As the pink sludge came at him, the wind sage didnt hesitate or slow down one bit, merely reacting to the ooze by swinging both arms upwards in a swift motion to launch a special wind scythe with a dark blue glow at the ooze that was aimed to strike directly in front of him. As the scythe made contact with the the ooze, it made easy work with slicing an opening for Jeff to slip through, but the sage didn't stop there. The sage then followed up by swinging both hands outwards and causing the sycthe to explode into a burst of hurcicane level winds which launched and kept any goop away from Jeff so he could easily pass through unaffected. With his mastery and control, he could pass through unphased while everything else was pushed away. The mirage in the meanwhile fell back until meeting up with the real Jeff and letting it fade away while Jeff repeated his technique to get past this goop wall as well. He then reformed the mirage and placed the sphere back inside it, pretty much resetting any atempts of Ada discovering the real over fake. Unless another form of hazard aroze the two would be only a yard away from the fog Oz brought upon Ada and thus be ready to strike soon enough with the wind cannon he was overcharging and the Omega Saw he was powering up. The Order Buster continued to struggle for a moment until the arm systems finally recovered, leaving the robot to immediately begin to spin its torso around as thr blades around its arms returned, allowing it to slash at the tenticles that grabed onto it from all angles and free it enough for bosters which appeared on various parts of thr legs to activated and boost it free of the tenticles grasps. Openings then appeard from the legs which rained giant plasma bombs down onto the tenticles bellow to downright obliterate them and stop anymore from coming back up as the mech gained ground and approached Ada as well. With the legs keeping the rest covered the arms and torso both began to super charge once more, drawing power from a burst of arcane energy that shot forth into it from Techmo.