Rainer climbed the side of the boat as he tried to reach the top where the sound of battle was. As he was about to reach the top he heard the voice of a female say "So miss purple haired how long do you think we have before your other friends arrive?". Knowing that this was about him and Kyy, he jumped to the top of the boat, landing near them with a thud. [color=00aeef]"I believe that would be me Mam. And Kyy is currently rowing here, he should be here in a couple minutes."[/color] He said as he looked at the new person in front of him. He realized that the new voice was the woman who he copied the 'Trade-winds' attack of. [color=00aeef]"Good afternoon, my name is Rainer, I wish we could all meet under better circumstances"[/color] He said to the two women with a bow.