[quote=@NuttsnBolts]Generally speaking you will also find different gendered writers will write differently. Language, mannerisms, introduction of life experiences into the story; a male will typically lean towards adventures and action, whereas a female will learn more towards romance. [/quote] I know it’s not your intent, but this kind of sentiment reminds me of [i]statistics[/i] that insist on nonsense such as “Boys like actions figures and superheroes! Girls like dolls and dresses!”. It has everything to do with sexism, presumptions, normalization of gender barriers, and so forth. In terms of slice of life RPs, this is no different than toy aisles in that it’s absolutely and completely wrong. Most of the people I’ve engaged with in making good slice-of-life (ie: drama-oriented stories) aren’t the generalized female writer that is stereotyped by any means. A person’s actual gender should have no precedent on deciding if you want to write with them. Their quality of prose should.