[hider=Maria Valentia][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3jB5NPy.png[/img] [color=8A2BE2][h1][b][s]Olga[/s] Maria Valentia[/b][/h1][/color] [color=8A2BE2][h3]What's your name?[/h3][/color] [i]Maria. Well, Maria's my middle name, but everyone calls me it. My first name is Olga, after my Mom's Great-Aunt or something, and I honestly can't think of an uglier name. It's my best-kept secret. Kinda have to keep it secret, otherwise it would be perfect ammunition for the bullies. Don't tell anyone, will you?[/i] [color=8A2BE2][h3]How old are you?[/h3][/color] [i]11 and 3/4. Actually, it's probably more like 7/8. I don't know, I'm not great at math. My birthday is the 17th of November, due to arriving about 5 weeks early as a baby. Apparently I had to spend a few extra days in hospital because I was borderline premature, but that's honestly preferable to having a birthday during Christmas. My cousin over in Nevada was born on the 25th of December, and she has to celebrate her birthday and Christmas at the same time. I mean, I suppose you get the same amount of presents, but it's not really the same.[/i] [color=8A2BE2][h3]What do you look like?[/h3][/color] [i]Most people who look at me tell me I'm the spitting image of my Dad, but I don't really see the similarity. He has a thin face, mine is broad. He's super tall, but I'm one of the smallest in my class. His hair is really straight and nearly golden coloured, but mine is annoyingly frizzy and a weird mix-up of blonde and brown. My sister will sometimes do my hair for me when she's being nice - either curl it or straighten it. Most of the time I just have to tie it up for school or something and pray it behaves. I guess I have my Dad's eyes, but then, everyone in my family has blue eyes. My Mom did too.[/i] [color=8A2BE2][h3]Do you have any hobbies?[/h3][/color] [i]Well, yeah. You'd have to be a pretty boring kid if you didn't have any. I guess my main thing is video games at the moment. My Dad bought an Atari 2600 a few months ago, but I prefer the arcade. There's more things to play, records to beat, and I enjoy the atmosphere of the place. Also, I can eat as much candy there as I can afford without my Dad or his girlfriend nagging me. I like board games too. In fact, any kind of game that you can play with other people. Since my sister developed a more skanky lifestyle, I don't get to play as much at home as I used to. Thankfully, there's plenty to do out and about if you have the imagination for it. Like exploring! Exploring is one of my favourite things to do. Even though Wiscasset is really small, you can find plenty of cool places to explore. You can usually find some abandoned summerhouses or hunting lodges out in the sticks. This one time, I found one with this creepy locked cellar in it, and I'm like 90% sure I heard something moving down there. I went back the next day with some bolt cutters, but uh... I wasn't strong enough to cut through it. If I was strong enough, you can be sure I was going to go investigate! I wasn't scared at all! Anyway! Another hobby is photography. When my Aunt visited this easter she got me a polaroid camera. It was second-hand, but still works perfectly. I must have taken a thousand pictures since then, and I'm ready to take even more. I just have to hide some of them from my dad - he wouldn't be pleased about some of the places I've gone too to take photographs. He says it's dangerous out in the forests where I go, but it's not like anything's going to happen during daytime. He watches too many scary movies I think. Oh! Scary movies! I love them. I've watched a whole bunch that I wasn't allowed to, but my dad doesn't know. My sister lets me watch videos with her as long as I promise not to get scared, and so far I've seen The Exorcist, Alien, Salem's Lot and a whole bunch of other ones. I did have nightmares, but I didn't tell anyone. I don't get them anymore though, I'm not some stupid baby. Dad's girlfriend is surprisingly cool with me watching scary stuff, because she loves horror movies too. She snuck me into the movie theatre last year so I could watch The Thing with her. The special effects were totally awesome! I'd love to be able to make things like that one day. Especially if I got to work with Kurt Russell. He's such a stud.[/i] [color=8A2BE2][h3]What are some things that you especially dislike?[/h3][/color] [i]My sister, when she's in one of her moods. I really hope I'm not as bitchy as her when I turn 16, but that's what she keeps telling me will happen. Sometimes I wonder if she'd be nicer if she didn't spend so much time making out with guys and trying to be cool. She's proud that she's been out with both of the "hottest" guys in her year (Which I don't get. Jock doesn't automatically mean cute, and Jordan Carmichael looks like a gorilla.), but it's kinda pathetic. There's more important stuff in life than that. I guess there's a whole list of things I dislike, but I guess if I had to make a list, it would be the moody sister I mentioned, romantic movies and books because they're always so sickly sweet, snakes because they're creepy and can kill you, damaged books because why would someone damage a book??, and... I also hate hospitals. Don't ask me why, I don't like talking about it.[/i] [color=8A2BE2][h3]What are your goals for the future? Both immediate and long-term.[/h3][/color] [i]Long-term, I really want to go into the movie industry. Maybe to do special effects, maybe to do photography or videoing. Ooh, or maybe even screen-writing! That would be rad, but I know for sure I couldn't be an actress. I'm terrible at acting. In drama class, I always end up forgetting my lines, delivering them with a weird, monotone voice or just bursting into giggles in the middle of a scene. It doesn't even have to be a funny scene either, it just happens a lot. Anyway, whatever I pick, I'll probably have to go college to learn how to do everything. I guess that means my short-term plans are to get my grades up, but life can be pretty distracting when you're 11. Uh, I mean 11 and 3/4.[/i] [color=8A2BE2][h3]What's your home life like? Specifically, what is your relationship like with your parents?[/h3][/color] [i]There's currently five people living in my house. There's me of course, my 16-year-old sister Judy, my Dad, his girlfriend Barbara-Anne (She's not technically moved in yet, but with the amount of times she visits, she may as well be), and our pet dog, Mouse. I include him as a person because he's just as clever as one, in my opinion. We've taught him lots of commands, it's just that he only pays attention when he can be bothered. Just like a person! He's pretty difficult to force to do anything because he's a Saint Bernard, and he's huge. When he stands up on his hind legs, he's taller than me. As for the rest of the house... well, I think I've talked enough about Judy already. My Dad is really nice, but sometimes a bit strict. He likes to know where me and my sister are at all times, so I can't just wander around town without telling him first. He even insists that we phone him while he's at work just so he knows where we are. It's really annoying at times, especially if I want to do something last minute. Judy has a tendency of skipping out without telling him anything, but I can't bring myself to do it. I'd feel too guilty! Also, being the town Sheriff, I think he'd find out too easily. It's a miracle he hasn't caught me snooping around the summerhouses yet. I get along surprisingly well with Barbara-Anne. She's been dating my Dad for nearly 8 months now, and although I was determined to hate her at first, it's become impossible. She's just so cool! Whenever she has spare time away from her job, she nearly always spends it with me. Judy is hardly ever around, and Dad's work hours are kinda long, so it means it's just me and Barbara-Anne for a lot of the time. She bakes with me, takes me out to go bowling and to the movies, and she makes the best milkshakes I've ever tried. Sometimes I feel a bit guilty, for enjoying spending time with her when part of me feels like I shouldn't, but she's such a sweetheart. I'd be psyched if my Dad proposed. I'm not sure if he will though... not yet. We lost Mom about a year and a half ago. It... um... it was hard. Still is.[/i] [color=8A2BE2][h3]What's your favorite animal, and why?[/h3][/color] [i]Dragons! Oh, does it have to be a real one? In that case, cats. I've always wanted a cat, but because of Mouse, we never got one. I'm pretty sure he'd eat a cat if it wandered into our house. But, it's not just house cats I like! The big cats are so awesome! I saw a snow leopard once at the Denver zoo, and it looked so adorable. And deadly, at the same time. If the movie route doesn't work out for me, I'll be taking my camera to Africa and Asia to take pictures of the big cats, like Lions and Cheetahs and Jaguars. Maybe I could even work for National Geographic, or with David Attenborough. I love watching all those shows he does. I'm not sure why I like cats so much - maybe it's just because I don't have one?[/i] [color=8A2BE2][h3]How about your favorite color?[/h3][/color] [i]Purple. Like a really rich, dark purple. My Mom's favourite flower was the Purple Columbine, and she always filled the house with it when they were in bloom. We don't really do it these days, but their colour is still my favourite.[/i] [color=8A2BE2][h3]What are your grades like?[/h3][/color] [i]Average in things like maths and science. Terrible in drama. Great in English, Gym, Geography. I do Photography as an elective, and that's probably my best grade. My art would be higher if I didn't mess around so much with the red paint, pretending it's blood.[/i] [color=8A2BE2][h3]Do you believe in magic?[/h3][/color] [i]C'mon, only babies believe in magic. [sub]But I guess I do.[/sub][/i][/center][/hider]