[@NuttsnBolts] If I was that worried about it, would I have added it? But you can easily look through the back catalog and see how much "I bait" others who don't do anything to me...<.< I don't. I really don't. Just to save you the trouble. I said that because I've had the person of this thread, antagonize me several goddamn times for merely posting here...And that's not MY fault that it happens. It's patently ridiculous. It's not the only time I've had someone jump on my heels for my mere existence on a thread. Am I suppose to feel sorry for existing? Why shouldn't I be able to laugh at that? Also the fact your telling ME this, is ironic in so many ways, I can't bare to count them. I mean that sincerely as possible. But, no. I'm not a troll. Trolls don't tend to ever be civil. <.<