DX-25534 [hr] Picking up his stuff from the hangar, DX-25534 walked out from the crampy little space transportation. The seat that the engineers set up in the cabin was a disaster, as it never allows DX to have a good rest from where he was deployed. He was too tired after joining to oppress a revolt from the peasants. It always wondered him as for why these dumb peasants could not see what the Emperor had brought to them. He brought to the security and economic stability. Dragging his luggage along the way to his room, DX saw someone suitcases were on top of the bunker. Shaking his head, DX just put his stuff in the cabinet before falling right on his bed, with on hand over his face. The trip, for him, was been long. And may god, he hope, that the upper guy does not have a too bad of a smell.