What about this proposal: [hider=Clan sheet] [i][u]Clan Shrikklik[/u][/i] [i]Fear the Deep-Deep[/i] RICHNESS 2 MILITARY 3 POPULATION 2 CONTROL 3 KNOWLEDGE 2 FERACITY 4 FLAW: -2 Weakened blood: I would take this flaw if you allowed me. It implies that the Clan newborns are diseased, adn their numbers will soon fade unless fresh blood (from other clans marriage perhaps?) is mixed in. [b]History[/b] [i]Fire priests drove us deep-deep. They kill us, slave us, but we run into dark. In stinky holes, stinky rivers, noise of click-click. Many eyes-eyes, many legs, many Silents, and we fight many generations. Creators forget ratfolk, but the Deep-Deep answers to us. The Deep-Deep voice teaches ancients much-much. Teaches secrets of the scents and the rotten meats. Hi-hi! Now Clickers we tame, and we rule the Rottenbarraghs. But the Deep-Deep pact makes our blood weak-weak, so drink, drink youngling, you soon big-big! You soon ready to raid Above. Hi-hi! [/i] - Matki Hundredtits, breeding and instructing the pups. [b]Leadership[/b] The Ratthausz is the highest counsel of the Clan’s Bloods, and is dominated by the pious, watchful yet cruel Farsniffarh, Lord of Pipes and Stink, Herder of Clicks’, the Wise-Wise, the Cursebreaker, the Deepsnout. Despite he rightfully rules after challenging the previous Alpha, is is secretly hated by many of the Worthbloods (aristocrats), who lost their privileges after he seized power. However, the support of young warriors, the respected owed to him by the Herders and most importantly, the recognition of his strong blood among the Mothers keeps the balance of power in his favour. [b] Territory and Ressurces[/b] The Rottenbarraghs lies hidden at the end of a broken pipeline, below the toilet's groundfloor. A soft water current rings debris, corpses and sometimes treasures to the Puaghpools. Around it, the Litterholzs house the Breeders. Facing the Mouldyrrun, as the main pipe is known, in the oposite side of the lake, there is the Ratthausz, where all the Bloods assemble. Branching from the Rottenbarraghs, myriads of pipes and secret paths lead to the Aboveworld. Many of them have been blocked and host heards of Clikers, other lead to the unkown depths, from which few have ever returned. [b]Culture and Faith[/b] The trauma of exile and the conviction that the Shrikklik Clan was forsaken by the ancients is reflected in their anguishing fear towards the Deep-Deep. Rather than a religion, a series of superstitions and myths about the dangers, inhabitants, and accursed secrets were grown around the double-sided anguish and veneration of the Deep-Deep. In their seclusion, they learned to hunt the Silent Ones, and to trick them and herd them using smells. They learned to make chitin crafts and to dose the poisons and drugs of the Silent Ones. Medicines were needed indeed, for the Clan became sickened by the foul air. Pests, malformations accurse the barren wombs of the females. Mice are only now being taken as thralls, after trading with other clans, and are coveted by Worthbloods. Although seen as a strange folk, the Shrikklik have quickly adapted to the Now-Now times. They are seen as not trustworthy, yet their chitin crafts and medicines are appreciated. Hungry and poor as they are, one can cheaply hire their raiders with the lure of treasure. It is rumoured that travellers who have unsuspectedly approached their secret passageways have ended up being macabrely sacrificed to please the Deep-Deep. [b]Army and Warriors[/b] Each Mother is responsible for instructing her pups, selecting them for the working caste or mustering them as warriors. Among their litter, They carefully choose the best males to mate, expecting her litter to distinguish itself and bring honor to herself and the clan. Wealthier Mothers can provide beyond traditional chitin equipment, and they gift metal to the worthiest pups. Truth is, other clans with modern technology our superior could outmatch Shrikklik forces, but the intense training and their mastery at War-Insect breeding, fanatic raiders and skirmish and sly tactics make them able to stand ground. Some of their most notable warriors are: [b]- Pikemane:[/b] Basic rat recruits, young but eager, lightly armoured, with chitin shields and often long reach weapons. [b]-Bugcrackers:[/b] Veteran insect hunters, they are heavily protected with chitin cuirass and are heavy shock troops. They decorate themselves with skulls, antennae or other trophies. [b]-Warclicker herdsrat:[/b] They swing odour balls, mesmerizing the clickers. At once, a synchronous clicking is heard, and the herd rushes forward, or follows an smell clue thrown by the herds rat. Legend says that heroic herdsrats from the past tamed huge Silents, but these talent has been lost. [b]-Deepfreaks:[/b] These horrible pups were raised by the Priests of the Deep-Deep and trained trained to serve the clan. Few they care for their lives, their minds clouded in frenzy after overconsumption of drugs. [b]- Shroudpaws:[/b] Nimble fighters with poisoned blades, experts in assassination and dirty tricks. [/hider] As you see, I propose you to take an unlisted flaw. EDIT: If you do not agree I propose the following: [hider=Alternative stats] RICHNESS 1 MILITARY 3 ( =2+1 from Richness 1) POPULATION 2 CONTROL 3 KNOWLEDGE 2 FERACITY 4 FLAW:"Great Hunger, Sharp Teeth" [/hider] I await corrections.