[center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/5/56/P5ProtagDance.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20170802121445[/img][/center] [hr] He looked at the girls who bullied his classmate he had gotten back from the nurse's office explaining his bruise as a fall down the stairs. Only to see such blatant bullying, to be honest it was ruining his meal. At times like this it was time to use the little surprise that he 'gotten' from the nurses office. He gulped down his cup of water, then went to grab a refil. When he returned he pretended to trip and spilled his water all over the the bullying girls' table, to which they let out a loud yelp of surprise. He got up and bowed down to the girls. "Oh I'm sorry! Please let me clean this up for you." When he raised his head, he used his natural good looks to give them a charming, innocent simile. After he got their attention he started to clean up their table and went back to actually refil his water and sat back down where his classmates were sitting. He put his hands into a pyramid and angled down his head with the reflection of light hiding his eyes... then he waited. Suddenly the bullies got up holding their stomachs as they ran out looking for the nearest restroom. Exactly as planned. Nothing like laxatives to flush out the bad stuff. He went back to eating like nothing was wrong.