Lia broke through the woods at the edge of the manor, with the letter from this Mr. Master's clutched in her hand, the parchment creased over a hundred times and torn in more than a few spots. Lia's pack weighed a little more than she was used to carrying, but she honestly didn't know what to expect from the Manor. Didn't know what kindness' would be offered, and so she had made sure she had enough supplies with her so that she would not be turned away because she could not care for herself. As she walked to the front of the house, her pack hitching a little ways up her back as she crouched low and studied the two individuals talking from the door from behind a bush about 40 feet away from the expansive manor she was looking at. She didn't see any other movement, and if she was honest with herself, it wouldn't have changed a thing. The letter said they could help master abilities, and that's what she was there to do. Maybe this Masters guy could help her, unlike the other useless fire wielders she had ran across over her year long journey. She had just about given up on ever wielding her fire ever again and was about to start her new life as maybe one of the Queens recruits when a man in Durer who had failed to help her do anything other than light a candle with a flame so hot the wax was gone within 3 seconds gave her this letter. Addressed to her, care of Samir Abdalah, that useless putz. He did at least offer me a couch while she worked at his market while he taught wielding classes to the street elves. She knew Samir had done all he could, and it was time for Lia to move on. She took a deep breath, and stepped from the shadows into the light and began to walk towards the door, no longer caring about being stealthy. It had been a long hard journey of dodging and evading the humans to get across the world, not an easy feet. The fae helped along the way, but regardless, Lia learned the hard way how ruthless these non-nomadic humans were, and had been forced to kill a few within the last week of her journey here. Her hood had slipped down her head during a particularly bad rainstorm and 3 drunk guys an the alley in Fitch. She had had to fight her way out of the mass of drunk muscle that threatened to choke, rape and kill her. She became desperate, and claustrophobic. Her rage began to seep in the corners of her eyes, and she felt the familiar and comforting glow at the base of her belly right behind her belly button that spread heat through out her entire body, ending at her fingertips. Touching any part of her while she was this angry resulted in instant skin incineration. She felt guilty even now, a week later, because the smell of burning human flesh didn't necessarily disgust her. She never thought of humans in any way while she was growing up. The odd human with dreads and worn nomad clothes would drift into their tribe for a time, bemoaning life in the " real world" and seeking something of solitiude. Lia never paid them any mind, but they had never been hostile. Her stomach growled remembering the burnt flesh she left behind of the men in Fitch, and she took a deep breath. She was nearing the pair, and she steeled herself for the worst. "I am Ophelia Estrellas. Can you be of use to me?" Lia inwardly cringed, sometimes her english translations came off hard and robotic. No matter, at least they would know she got down to the point. Her bright eyes bounced back and forth between the two, her breath held and her spine iron straight. The markings on her body began to pulse a soft red glow that thrummed her body as she waited with nerves tightly coiled in her belly.