[center] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B-KzvdFCYAAKPo2.png[/img] *Slams a shot of whiskey* A'IGHT SO Basic premise: Darkest Dungeon, aka [img]https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--LqwG40fz--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/svuhcszfhlj0kqkoxzfj.jpg[/img] Classic D&D as DMed by Lovecraft, ft. Poe, Except, instead of some classic, gothic horror fantasy adventure full of horrors but heroics, we all make the biggest bag of messed up assholes, or people with great potential to twist sideways, and then go full saw on their poor asses for some juicy grimdark/dark humor galore. The idea is based off an old tactic, used way back in the game's early access days, where players could grind out gold by sending newbie heroes out with no supplies, bag as much loot as possible (aka sometimes til 1 member surviving), and then dismiss whoever is left, and redo with a new batch of poor shmucks. Background will be that the current Heir either got corrupted by the main horror after the Darkest Dungeon and decides to help fuel it with poor SOBs through reckless suicide missions, or is a cultist outright or just a greedy ass. Need not be familiar with the setting, though it'd help, but setting isn't all that complicated and I can prolly help ya understand it right quick in a PM. Style can be casual, or, OR, we can go table top and let the dice have some fun too (basic dice stuff, I'll base it off the game's rolls), make this some oldschool Fighting Fantasy, Dragon Lair levels of character fuckery. If, somehow, your characters survive, we can make this a long running gag and see how long they can last, or just have a series of character hijinks. Otherwise this will be a short adventure rp, no grand narrative here. Group will be small to keep the pace relatively brisk, 4ish people? Posts don't have to be grand and full of paragraphs, no pressure, 1 paragraph minimum kinda thing. What y'all think? Clarification edit: Now though this post is humerous, that doesn't necessarily mean the rp will be all dumb giggles and such, I'm hoping that the grimdark, everything going wrong setting will, like in the game itself, push characters to act out in unique dynamics as they breakdown. For example, what if we put in a improv roleplay element and, even if we go casual, have a sanity meter check and once it hits that 100/200 level that it does ingame, we roll a die to see what affliction your char gets and you get to act them out in possibly unique ways you didn't think of. ... Or we can go with the dark humor angle. We'll figure it out! [/center]