I [i]literally[/i] answered this exact question above. Are you expecting a different answer this time? Here, I will quote myself for you: [quote=@Drache] Yes. Because there is no legitimate reason to do so. [/quote] And I already addressed the issue of choice. At the risk of continuing to repeat myself to cover points that you're ignoring... This is not about choice when your partner's gender DOES NOT AFFECT ANYTHING. Not a single person arguing for gender restrictions and exclusions on this thread has given a single reason why a person's gender should automatically be used as a method of exclusion when it comes to RP. If you can provide one then I would be very interested to hear it. Also, this sentence is a gem: "that I must be restricted to every possibility and must take everything that comes our way". a) Because having even [i]more[/i] options than you would have if you weren't excluding people is somehow "restricting" and b) You absolutely do NOT have to take "everything that comes your way" (because talking to chicks AND dudes is somehow SUCH a hardship!) Why not look into actual legitimate methods of screening RPers, such as comparing RP styles, RP preferences, schedules, posting frequency, etc. Why not ask for a writing sample from one of their male characters if you are looking for a male character? You are deliberately making it sound like gender is the ultimate deciding factor for picking a partner when in fact it makes absolutely NO difference. You can RP with practically anyone and their gender would be the least important factor. I bring up skeezy people because those are often the people doing this. I'll quote myself again: [quote]The real reason behind this is that on some level they are conflating their pleasure/satisfaction in what's going on in the RP between our fictional characters with their relationship to ME. At best, that might make them feel weird if I don't match their usual type of romantic partner. But that's their problem and something a good writer should get over. At worst well...there are stalkers and abusers on this site who are simply looking for the right victims and use "RP preference" as a means of selection.[/quote] This is sexism. My question for you is, is it okay to be sexist?