"The Queen is researching a solution to help us deal with the humans my dear. If she needed us she would of sent word. And I have been building this manor under her orders and have not yet had sufficient time to send correspondence. Though, I have been thinking of acquiring one of those human pets that others seem to have. You know, the ones that do things for you?? That would be just so convenient." Suddenly a stoic woman emerged from the bushes and walked right up, demanding of she could be helped. "My, my, what have we here Lizzie Poo?? Seems one of the nomadic elves from the desert have received one of my letters. The poor thing is practically glowing!! This truly is delicious." Thortan half chuckled to himself. "Of course darlin'. All who seek refuge shall be welcomed with open arms. If they have a letter of course. Pray tell, what is it that seems to ail you??" Thortan reached out to put a comforting hand on her shoulder, and noticed she burned to the touch. His smile only grew. "Seems the young ones fire is basically burning out of control. Well we can't have that destroying the manor that was incredibly difficult to build, now can we?? You must find a calm little firefly, in that flame is a white hot center. Inside it, is the source of your flame. Bathe in it, claim it as yours, right now it holds sway in you. You must wrest it's control and make it yours, lest it swallow you in a delicious conflagration that will sorely swallow you and those around you. Not many all called on to have this much elemental magic, the Dates must of seen great potential in you to gift your birth in such a way. Not that those three old cronies always know best, they try." Thortan said his smile giving way to a mischievous smirk.