[@Luna Amore] Harley heard a telltale click beside her and looked over at Natalia. The blonde was smiling still, but the cowgirl noticed a slight tinge of...sadness maybe? She then looked to the photo on the wall of a mother pushing her little daughter on a swing. [color=a187be][i]Huh...wonder what that's all about? I hope she's alright.[/i][/color] Harley said aside, her lips contorting into a small frown. There was another picture beside it that caught her eye, one of a line of Marines in their ceremonial uniforms. [img]http://images01.military.com/media/holidays/marine-corp-birthday/marinedresslineup.jpg[/img] Instead of snapping a pic like Nat though, she merely stared at it for a few minutes...thinking about her brother. "Okay, well I see we have two new smiling faces to our humble abode, so please allow me to introduce myself." The teacher said standing in the middle of the classroom. "My name is Louis Felton, and as you know, I am your photography teacher. Now, rather than bore the class by naming off all my prestigious awards and what not, I would rather get to know my two new students. Starting with....you!" He pointed to Natalia with a warm smile. [i][color=a187be]Whoa! Whoa! Wait a minute! He's making us get up?! IN FRONT OF THE CLASS! Aww hell naw! It's gon' be first grade all over again![/color][/i] Harley looked content, even cheering on her new friend to introduce herself, but on the inside....well...she was screaming her head off. [i][color=a187be]NO NO NO NO NOOOOO!!![/color][/i]