Lia's gaze narrowed and flicked over to the Other one smoking a cigarette. It wasn't as though Lia intended to be rude, being a nomad her whole life introductions were pointless and not usually navigated. She assessed the woman quickly, noting the womans hand resting on the hilt of her sword. No sudden startles around this one then. Most likely, sneaking around would be useless as well. She gave a firm nod of recognition and turned her gaze back towards the Host, Mr. Masters. She could tell the woman was attempting to read her, and as Lia was an open, volatile gash of rage on good days, she wasnt too concerned with what the woman gleaned. Keeping her snarly fire in check took most of her energy, and left little for things like worrying about first impressions or what other emotion she would be giving away. Lia was more about actions and less about emotional politics and guess work. Her eyes briefly flitted to the cigarette in the womans hand, a pang of longing for a hookah with decent shisha assaulted her before she took a deep breath and returned her gaze to Mr. Masters.