Liz, as jumpy as always pulled a knife on the burning girl, who at the same time pulsed angrily. Thortan once again placed a hand on the young elves shoulder. The heat slowly building to meltdown proportions. "My dear, there really is nothing me, or the pup over there can do. There has been but a handful with your strength of fire to ever walk this earth. You must learn to control this ability those meddling crone's wove into your thread of life. I can tell you, that I am your equivalent with the power of darkness. So I truly know the boat your in. Fire is anger, it is the elements cleansing force. Clearing the way for all the other elements to build on it's recently baptized path. You must understand the emotion behind your element. For you are focusing on just the anger. Fire also represents passion, my young firefly. It burns away impurities to reveal the truth underneath. Both my fine furry friend and I, can see you are angry. It will not be easy, but allow the fire to burn off that rage and you may yet claim it's passion underneath." Thortan coughed and waved away Liz's billowing smoke. "New rule, you can't smoke in the house, it's smelly and annoying. And if you burn your fur, I will laugh!!" He said mockingly.