[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/m33h1dOh.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]Azeroth, a world that has seen countless millennia of war and strife among its denizens who call it home. Upon its surface, Two factions known as the Horde and Alliance are locked in an endless war for supremacy and freedom, finding new reasons to kindle their hate for each other and spill their blood upon the fields of battle. Even though they have their disagreements and wars, there is rare momentary peace, and they keep finding themselves working together to overcome great peril that threatens to extinguish all life upon Azeroth. Many from both sides find themselves weary of the meaningless wars and wonder if a lasting peace is even possible for all of them to achieve. For now, there is only war.[/i][/center] [center][hider=Theme][youtube]https://youtu.be/RwqzQbcI3Wg[/youtube][/hider][/center] [hider=Introduction] Upon the Broken Islands of Azeroth, the blackened Tomb of Sargeras stands as an ominous monument, towering into the sky, desolate and silent among its surroundings as a somber reminder of what had happened those many centuries ago. This infamous construct had been locked and sealed behind potent spells and prayers, leaving it completely inaccessible to any force from this world or beyond, whatever still lingered there was now lost to wonder the seemingly endless halls, rooms, and corridors of this accursed structure. This is what the people who sealed it and locked it away from the world had thought, but such evil cannot be truly defeated, only trapped until someone or something came along and brought it back into the world. While Azeroth remained lost in their own thoughts of peace and what would come next for their world, a dark entity had found its way into the Tomb of Sargeras, and now stood in its heart, preparing to begin a ritual that would unleash the Legion upon the unsuspecting world once more. Gul'Dan, Darkness Incarnate and The Destroyer of Dreams, knelt in the heart of the Tomb as an unearthly darkness and chill enveloped him. Barely audible whispers that seemed come from within his head, swirled around him, taunting him, telling him to fulfill his oath, promising him unimaginable power if he would finish the ritual. A low guttural sound would come from his throat as he began to speak in a long forgotten language that echoed through the darkness around him. An emerald green flame would suddenly appear in front of Gul'dan, followed by four more of these silent flames that burned with an intensity unseen anywhere else upon the face of Azeroth. Even with how intense the light the flames produced, it was almost completely drowned out by the darkness that filled the heart of the Tomb, leaving just a small flicker of flame, barely noticeable. Each flame appeared in a predestined position, finely making up the five points of the dark star. Above him, a swirrling vortex would appear and from it, a portal into what could be mistaken as the void opened, and a voice that could not only be heard but also felt deep from within Gul'Dans soul filled the Tomb. It was the voice of the Dark Titan himself, Sargeras. Words were spoken that only he could hear, some of praise, some threats, and some promises that told him of great power. The once desolate and silent Tomb now glowed a bright emerald green through it's windows, openings and crystal tower, shooting a beam of what appeared to be pure fel energy into the sky, tearing open a portal to the fel and to the Legions home-world. A wave of energy would shoot through the Tomb of Sargeras and all of the Broken Islands would be filled with a momentary feeling of dread. Now, inside of the heart of the Tomb, demons started to pour out in endless number, the Legion had been unleashed upon the unsuspecting world of Azeroth and chaos would soon follow in unrivaled amount. [/hider] [hider=Information]Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to check out World of Warcraft: The Coming Storm. This Warcraft RP takes place during the current World of Warcraft expansion, [b]Legion[/b] and will continue past it. The RP will start off with each of us heading towards Dalaran, which is now near the Broken Islands, and no longer over Northrend or the Eastern Kingdoms. We have each been personally summoned by the Council of Six, a group of six mages of the Kirin Tor who now help guide all of Azeroths forces against the Legion and other enemies. Once we arrive, we will be introduced to each other and then informed of the current situation at hand. As you can see from the post above, Gul'Dan has summoned the Legion back into the world of Azeroth and the allied forces of the world are scrambling to counter their assault. While each hero and faction has a mission of their own, we will be assigned to taking on more difficult and unique assignments of high-importance. These include but are not limited to assassination, sabotage, sewing chaos into the enemies ranks, disrupting points of high importance, intelligence gathering, search and rescue, negotiations with important figures, helping with unrest, and special operations. After we have all been briefed and informed of why we were all gathered, we will head towards our base of operations, which is upon the island of Azsuna, one of the many massive islands that make up part of the Broken Islands. From there, we will all settle in and get to know each other before receiving our first assignment from Solares, a female Nightelf Warden who works closely with the Council of the Six and will be acting as their direct contact. We will begin with investigating a lead upon Azsuna that will lead us to one of the first Legion encampments where people are being abducted and taken to a machine known as a soul forge, at Helion point. From there, our adventure will begin, sewing chaos and death into the ranks of the Legion while running high priority missions that only we can carry out successfully. This is just a [i]very[/i] small taste of what is to come though. We will find ourselves all across the face of Azeroth, fighting a large number of unique and challenging threats that will test our characters to their max. The Legion is our main threat in the RP, but much more will show itself once the Legion fully unleashes its fury upon us. Among all of this action, drama, and high adventure, there will be moments of rest, recovery, relaxation, and socializing. Thank you all again for taking the time to check out this interest check and I hope to see you all in the RP![/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Please keep in mind, if the race and class is playable in World of Warcraft (with the exception of a Warden) You are allowed to play it. [b]Name: Sex: Age: Class: Gear/Equipment: History: Personality:[/b] [/hider] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cjRn1Dgh.jpg[/img][/center]