[center][img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171107/0fbcd72a11ff248bf14ea972b545d360.png [/img] [img] https://i.giphy.com/media/4biJwHpJA3DWg/giphy.webp[/img][/center] Her school sounded fascinating and he listened just as closely as the little first year who spoke up to the stories that revolved around her school. The stories seemed to match a lot of the things Hogwarts was known for but from such an interesting perspective. A grin moved across his face showing his straight white teeth as she educated the two of them on the lore of her school. By the end of her story of the school and her parents Jake was practically leaning over the table listening closely. He was one to always pay attention when something had his full focus and right now it was her, “That is incredible that your mother was or should I say is, is so understanding compared to some of the muggles I have met. Some of them didn’t know what to do with themselves when they found out magic was real and really rejected the idea. Then of course there were others that thought it was cool but the fact that your mother was able to accept him completely; that’s love.” The eyes of the young man twinkled; he enjoyed love stories because they seemed so rare now-a-days that knowing love was out there meant there was hope in this world! The night grew to a closes and the two bid each other good night before turning in. Within the next morning, Zander was on his way to class and ended up passing Ester who was chatting with some of her new classmates and he pointed to temple with a smile. Reminding her to focus in class, which she responded with the same gesture; a little Alkins family gesture that helped them communicate without communicating. A proud smile moved across his face as he watched his little sister go off into class and he let out the breathe he was holding, she seemed like she was just fine. After a long half day he hurried to the Divination tower and leaned against the wall near the exit waiting for Melina to come out so they could walk to Herbology together.