"Tilerians?" The mysterious voice shouted back at us. "Tilerians!" The voice shouted again, confirming who we were. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes for a moment. To make it all this way and be shot down for nothing was what scared me the most. That all of this was a waste of time. Why would Joe give away our position so fast? He was nervous. Either way, if he didn't say anything, we'd be in trouble. I opened my eyes to the sound of loud footsteps echoing throughout the building. The steps became louder and the pace grew faster as we awaited out fate. Joe and Sam had their hands on their guns, preparing for whatever was about to happen. When the footsteps stopped, I felt like my heart did with them. Two loud clicks bounced off the walls of the empty building. The doors slowly opened, revealing a short, red headed girl. She wore the same uniform as us. She was a Tilerian. "Welcome to the Grey Base." She said, a smirk tugging at her lips. "It's safe. You're all safe now." She waved a hand, motioning us to go inside.