"Excuse me, Daisy Morris?" A heavyset women with brown curly hair stood before me. She wore a white lab coat and carried a clipboard. "That's me." I stared, confused as to what she could possibly want. "My name is Nurse Lynn. I'm here to take you to Doctor Davies. We want to take a look at that leg of yours. Just makin' sure everything is alright." She flashed a friendly smile. "Oh- I didn't request a Doctor, though." I was confused. "That's alright. We just want to make sure you're properly taken care of. Your friend sent in a request as well." She replied. "Oh, alright. Okay. Cool, I'll just follow you then." I gently pushed myself from the wall and began to follow Lynn down another bright white hall that undoubtedly would take me to the hospital wing where Doctor Davies was waiting.