[quote]Bro, it's alright. Some of us work. Some of us don't turn on the TV every day. Some of us prefer to listen to music as they drive. It's all OK. Not everyone knows the news as soon as it happens. That said, I did hear about the Texas shooting today. Apparently he was dishonorably discharged from the Air Force for assaulting his wife and child, tried to bribe an under-aged girl into dating him... and he could still legally buy guns. I'm not sure what allowed that, honestly. Our laws, as I think they are stated now, should've prevented that from happening. But the enforcement of those laws may have been lacking. IDK. I'm too burned out of politics to really look it up and talk too much about it at the moment. Only heard mention of the Saudi princes and Rand Paul's assault. Some people are just shitty? Don't know what to tell you, man.[/quote] My policy is to return this topic to a point of focus. Prodding a political discussion and debate to do just that. Hence why I come to expect controveries to be here when they happen; that and because it rubs the fur the wrong way on a few members when I can prove or advocate prior claims made, but more importantly... expose the truth. The lying mainstream media and news was more concerned with the President of the United States "incorrectly feeding koi fish" than a shooter who did not fit their narrative; going so far as to edit the clip of the two world leaders so it made their ideological opponent play the fool. The apparent issue as to how he managed to purchase a weapon was due to the Air Force filing in error. Legally he should not have been allowed to own a firearm due to his conviction in court martial, not to include the punishment he received. The laws as they are now [i]should[/i] have, but what almost assuredly caused the issue was that Kelley lied - most forms I have seen state if you have been found guilty of domestic abuse you cannot own a weapon outright on them and had to have received legal counsel prior to his mandated separation - and the bureaucratic Air Force made a now critical mistake in their handling of the paperwork. Incompetency along the line and no penalty for administrative failure helped in enabling a disaster, as is typical of the government. The only positive of this particular component is that there will not be a question as to how it happened; a Mandalay Bay this is not. As for Rand Paul, the man was assaulted by his neighbor for political extremist reasons and suffered several broken ribs. The reports even indicate the breaks could have had fatal consequences if they had been much worse. Worse still, this incident was played off as "minor injury". Hardly a meager thing. The Saudi princes...? Well, more of that to come in due time. I needn't play my paw here and now.