The glass door swung shut behind me and I looked down the hall to where Daisy had been resting. Reid wasn't lying. I spotted Daisy's head turning a corner further down the white hallway. "I expect you'll want to shower now?" I turned to the voice that came behind me. It was Isy. She had her hands on her hips and was regarding me curiously. "I suppose so." I said and shifted the bags on my shoulders. They were aching handsomely now. "Follow me then. Your friends have already settled in fine." She had started walking away from me as she spoke and I hurried to follow. "What was your name again?" "Sam." She looked back at me and smirked. "Ah, Sam. My cousins name. So generic." I didn't know whether to frown or laugh. I'd always thought the same thing, but to have someone say it to me created a defensiveness for the name I wasn't used to.