[@Invader Len] All solids questions that I will answer NOW YO! 1.) A Prae doesn't even have to have anything resembling [i]additional limbs[/i] when they use their Manifest. They can be wings, arms, floating crystals, weird lookin blades, an aura of flame, patterns/symbols floating around them or just a glow emanating from their body. Totally your choice. 2.) The various aspects brought into being by a prae's manifest ARE NOT made of flesh/bone etc etc, they are composed entirely of vis, but they are also functional. So they would be wings composed of vis (maaaagic wooo), but they would--regardless of size--potentially allow the prae in question to fly. If tendrils are your manifested bits of choice then they would be functional, meaning capable of grasping/moving things around, as well as probably throwing, pulling your prae towards things as well as blocking projectiles or whatnot (either by coiling up into something like a shield or by swatting them away haha).