[@Ollumhammersong][@Apollosarcher][@Bluetommy][@PrinceAlexus] Pretty sure I made it clear we'd be Intercessors - if this was a Deathwatch/standard Astartes RP then I'd be fine, but Primaris are the way they are because it's Rowboat going 'back to legions' as it were. The power weapon, as with any Marines, is wielded by the Sergeant...you want to be the Sergeant? I don't actually mind, just asking. As far as things go, depending how far we go with this and more importantly [i]where[/i] it goes, we may well have to scavenge and so forth, so keep that in mind; as it is for now, we're Primaris and we're more-or-less identical in terms of armour and arms. Lastly, he could well be from Caliban if Cawl got to him early enough and shoved him in the freezer.