Not sure if you're still accepting or not... Just in case. [hider=Coraline] [center][img][/img] [img][/img][hr][hr] [color=#6C3C37]Name:[/color] Coraline Hardwick [color=#6C3C37]Age:[/color] 25 [color=#6C3C37]Gender:[/color] Female [color=#6C3C37]Years in Whittier:[/color] 7 [color=#6C3C37]Occupation:[/color] Coffee Shop Barista [color=#6C3C37]Room Number:[/color] 1108 [color=#6C3C37]Personality: (3 positive traits and 3 negative traits)[/color] Positive: Clever, Independent, Good-Natured Negative: Uninhibited, Unemotional, Idealistic [color=#6C3C37]Small Biography:[/color] Coral was born in Buena Vista, Georgia as the second daughter of Pastor Glenn Hardwick and his second wife, Melinda. Coral was raised in the church; her family attended church every Sunday, and participated in bible study on Wednesdays. They'd even made sure she had a spot on the youth praise dance team. Because she was raised in a very strict family, she didn't have much of a social life outside of church. She was not allowed to go out to parties, movies, dates or anything of the sort, as her parents thought that it would hinder her growth in the church. When Coral turned thirteen, however, she began to grow more rebellious and resentful towards her parents. She sneaked out whenever she had the chance, stopped participating as much in class, and even dropped out of the praise team. The thing that tipped her parents off the most, however, was when seventeen year old Coral brought home a [i]girlfriend[/i]. Glenn and Melinda clamped down on their daughter harder than ever, taking away most of her privileges. In their eyes, there was nothing worse than having a [i]gay[/i] daughter. They wouldn't even hear the girl out when she tried to explain to them that she was not gay, but bisexual. As if that made things any better. Eventually, Coral graduated from high school with a solid C average and multiple college acceptance letters, but her parents absolutely refused to pay a dime towards her higher education. They'd even stopped acknowledging her presence in their home, doing petty things such as not setting a place for her at the table, only buying new things for her sister, etc. Coral was forced to get a job at the local coffee shop in order to support herself. The day she turned eighteen was the greatest day of her life; it was the day that she gathered up all the money she'd earned, packed up all of her belongings, and bought a bus ticket to Alaska. Seven years later, and she is still working the same job she's been working since she was a teenager: a barista. Coral has not kept in contact with her parents over the years, but talks to her sister every now and then to catch up. She lives in room 1108 of The Begich Towers with her German Shepherd, Sarge. [color=#6C3C37]Relationships:[/color] TBD[/center] [/hider]