[center]Certain perks were afforded to those in the Monster Hunter Club. Aito Mitsui, technically the third most important on the Committee, aside from those with [i]actual duties[/i], enjoyed one of these perks quite often. Second period had ended and where most of his peers were busy shuffling to their next class, talk of last week's parade still on some lips, he was taking time to clean the club's meeting room. It was one of the larger rooms, and had only of this year come into the MHC's hands. [color=87CEEB][i]It's got a nice view, for being on the second floor.[/i][/color] At his back were windows that looked over Port Crescendo East Academy's grandiose courtyard. [color=87CEEB][i]But, man, I bet Cannon is going to push us even harder this year.[/i][/color] Before him was a stack of papers. Old members returning, fresh faces pushing for a spot. Thankfully, it wasn't his job to handle all of that. His spot had been secure, as were those of last year's devoted members. Curiosity, however, wouldn't be quelled. He had sat aside his broom to look over them, a mischievous smile finding its way to his face. [color=87CEEB][i]I really need the mood lifter, after a couple of days ago.[/i][/color] He had updated his Personal Data, uploading a new picture and caption to make it known that he wasn't going to be participating in any more Ranked Fights for a while. [color=87CEEB][i]The summer gave me enough of that, for a while. Maybe when the year's winding down, or something.[/i][/color] He'd won the one-on-one fight, increasing his Rank to [b]D[/b], but it had left him feeling particularly disillusioned about the whole affair. [color=87CEEB]"Probably better to focus on Monsters, for a while,"[/color] he turned to lean against the large table that dominated the room. Aito and a few others had been conscripted, over the break, to make sure that the new room was well furnished and in 'operating condition'. Cannon's words, not his, her face serious as they had been passed down. From the corner of his diminished periphery, he could see leaves dancing on an autumn breeze. People enjoying their lunch break. Aito heaved out a sigh, crossing his arms, and holding the papers close. It was all standard fare. Even him going out of his way to slack, a little. Anybody that had come to know the one-eyed Hunter would recognize the pattern. The lean, the slight smile and the fold of his arms. Aito wasn't paying any attention to what was going on right in front of him; even the papers would get half a glance before he moved onto the next. He wasn't really absorbing any of the information. In truth, he was thinking about something else entirely. So, he slid the papers back into their place and walked over to the window; cracking it open and propping his elbows on the sill. Voices of all sorts drifted in, casual conversation mingled with talk of more serious matters. [color=87CEEB][i]There've been a few fights, today, but that's nothing new.[/i][/color] Absently, he rolled the sleeves of his uniform up and took a moment to adjust his hat. A flick of his earring finished the ritual and he smiled out over the courtyard. [color=87CEEB][i]Nothing for us to do, yet.[/i][/color] That usually changed as the year progressed, Monsters appearing in more dangerous numbers during the cold months. [color=87CEEB][i]Still, for now everyone looks pretty happy. Awesome.[/i][/color] The room felt lonely, though, without the more familiar members of the Club. Aito lifted his elbows and turned, careful to shut the window before walking away. He managed to get halfway across the room, tapping out a rhythm with his heels against tile, before a distraction presented itself. [color=F08080][INCOMING CALL REQUEST FROM 'CANNON'][/color] Her portrait was displayed beneath, with the options to [color=F08080][ACCEPT][/color] or [color=F08080][DECLINE][/color] underneath. She was a fourth-year, as of now, a scar running down the right side of her face. Blue hair and green eyes, both so bright it made Aito wonder if they were real; much like the broad smile she wore in the picture. [color=87CEEB][i]She's never really all that happy.[/i][/color] Immediately the thought soured and turned back on him. Without hesitation, he accepted. [color=DEB887]"Mitsui, good to see you're here,"[/color] her voice was high-pitched, but could easily switch to a deeper more serious tone, [color=DEB887]"I've been trying to track you, for a moment. Since you're the first in our new Club HQ, I want you to take-"[/color] [color=87CEEB]"Already on it, boss,"[/color] he lifted the broom for her to see, [color=87CEEB]"this place is cleaned up and-"[/color] Cannon's head tilted slightly, looking at the broom. [color=DEB887]"I approve of your initiative, but that's not the cause for my call,"[/color] [color=87CEEB][i]Oh, right, I guess she would've sent me a text-message.[/i][/color] [color=DEB887]"I've contacted a few of the other members, they should be arriving within the next ten minutes. Unfortunately, I can't make it today."[/color] [color=87CEEB]"Oh, yeah?"[/color] It wasn't challenging, or sarcastic. [color=87CEEB]"That means you got the spot you were after?"[/color] A nod confirmed this, and Cannon glanced at her surroundings; some kind of vehicle, maybe a bus, from what Aito could tell. [color=87CEEB]"Great news, boss! Proud of you."[/color] Cannon had been angling for an internship with a rather renowned group of Monster Hunters. He couldn't help but smile broadly. [color=87CEEB]"So, what's up with the meeting?"[/color] [color=DEB887]"Thank you, Mitsui. The Committee will be meeting to discuss a potential threat discovered over the summer. I'll send [i]you[/i] the file, now that I know you're there; the others already have their own. Make sure to look it over carefully. This matter will be left solely to the discretion of those present. As of now, this is [i]just[/i] a lead. No cause to concern the rest of the school's population. Cannon, out."[/color] The screen closed without a prompt from him, Cannon having disconnected quickly after her usual sign-off. A moment later, the file came through. Aito accepted it, opening it immediately. [color=87CEEB][i]Last time she said that it meant 'keep this under wraps, or it's your ass.'[/i][/color] He suspected that it would be much the same, this time. Aito nodded to himself, sliding the broom aside and taking his usual spot at the table. [color=87CEEB][i]Alright, let's see what we got.[/i][/color] [hider=Regarding Unidentified Problem] [color=DEB887]Hello. As some of you have been made aware, prior to this announcement, there has been some concern among the staff about recent appearances of potential Monster interference on PCEA grounds. While no one has been wounded, several of those present during the stretch of summer have reported strange noises and an uneasy feeling while on the third floor. Visual reports have been non-existent, save for a janitor's unreliable verbal recounting of the encounter. If we are to believe this man (Rouben Glenn, a Nobody) the creature appears as thus;[/color] • Humanoid • Incredibly pale, where skin is exposed • Wearing some form of outlandish suit-style garb, as well as a headdress • Purple lips and eyes, pronounced chin; capped by some form of gold adornment [color=DEB887]While this is, as of now, an ongoing investigation; I would like the Monster Hunting Club to take some initiative. I know that the appearance does little in aiding your efforts, so I have compiled a list of possible abilities;[/color] • Long-range illusory influence • Spatial distortion allowing instantaneous relocation • Potential reality warping capabilities, small scale • Control over other Monsters [color=DEB887]As of now, this is the only information I am able to provide. Several of the reports were vague, at best, involving only laughter and the appearance of several weak Monsters. The rest is purely conjecture based on Mr. Glenn's report and the information within that coincides with other more minor reports. Mrs. Berathabran (first year Math teacher, for those unaware) has agreed to stay after-hours, should you choose to investigate the school grounds at night. The usual cooperation from staff members will not be given, as no official report has been made about this problem. I would like for you all of you to handle this, as best you can. If there turns out to be no problem, that would be for the best. However, it could be that PCEA has become host to something that poses a potential danger to the students. Regardless, I expect the full effort of our Club to be given in dealing with this tenuous situation. Be safe, stay sharp, Cannon.[/color] [/hider] He whistled, closing the file and leaning back against his chair. Situations like this weren't uncommon, but something about it felt [i]off[/i]. [color=87CEEB][i]A test, maybe? Nah, Cannon's not that reckless. If she wanted to test us, she would.[/i][/color] He propped his feet against the table, folding his arms across his chest. Whatever was going on, it was enough to warrant a 'secret' meeting and for them to operate under-the-radar. A smile broke the gloom that had settled in, momentarily. [color=87CEEB][i]If it's a serious thing, then we handle it. Same as always. Other investigations have turned out pretty well. Just a bummer that it seems like some kind of night-operation.[/i][/color] His eye drifted back to the window, a slight smile still on his face. [color=87CEEB][i]This year's gonna be alright, I think.[/i][/color][/center]