[img]https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-GK4fen5cQTU/VmLwcvzau_I/AAAAAAAAoXc/hCf2dtGdUOU/s1600/tumblr_nyunpgUQTo1s4wsauo2_1280.jpg[/img] [img]https://scontent-dft4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/fr/cp0/e15/q65/23120367_717003925157350_4485136253695416021_o.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=14a99280a211dc283616d43692d65695&oe=5A63513F[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Pearl [b]Alias (any other names?):[/b] The Silver One; The Moody One. [b]Occupation(s):[/b] Serial killer; doll. [b]Abilities/Skills:[/b] Resourcefulness; fangs; psychologically-savvy; enhanced strength, speed, reflexes, and durability; experienced killer (humanized). -------------------------------------------------- [b]Overview (brief summary):[/b] Pearl is the third-made of Rachel's four dolls. In the fantasy world, where she was humanized, she played the role as one of her owner's closest companions, just as in the "real" world as a doll. However, after the fantasy world got corrupted and became reality, it's revealed that she suffers from the Multiple Personality Disorder, making her so-called "twin" Peri an alternate personality. She's unaware that she and Peri are the same person, even though, as dolls, they are two separate individuals. Like Blade and Peri, her MO is to keep Rachel all to herself. [b]Appearance:[/b] In both doll and humanized forms, Pearl's appearance is similar to Peri's - in doll form, similar by virtue of having been purposely made to appear as twins; and in their humanized forms, similar in all but demeanor and style because they are, in fact, the same person. As a doll, Pearl's body is silverish-blue topped by silvery hair with blue streaks. Her eyes are, like her twin's, a deep ocean-blue and accented by winged eyeliner and sky-blue eyeshadow. She wears an aqua tunic with fuschia and navy spots, dark blue denim capris, pink-and-blue wedged-sandals, and a gold-chained belt. In her humanized form, she looks much the same, though with a natural skin tone and darker eyeshadow. While she possesses fangs and long nails just as Peri does, for reasons stated previously, she's more reserved in their display. Despite what the others may say about her, she's not a monster, after all. [b]Personality:[/b] Among the companions - dolls and owner - Pearl is regarded as being the moody one for her inability to conceal her displeasure, often resorting to snits and passive aggression to express her feelings. When those fail, she can become openly confrontational and even violent. While her emotional range is far less sophisticated than Peri's, her relative transparency makes dealings with her more honest. Whether that's a positive or not depends largely on the circumstances and outcome. Pearl tends to hold a grudge, clinging to wrongs, real or perceived and is prone to act on them. While she frequently argues with her companions and subjects them to her scorn, she loves them dearly and would kill to protect their "family". In the fantasy world, where Peri consoled Rachel and served as her confidante, Pearl was her benevolent protector, the big sister beating up the schoolyard bullies. Pearl would do anything to protect Rachel, very much imagining herself in a motherly, or older-sisterly role and that serves as a frequent point of contention with the others. [b]Weapon(s):[/b] Anything, including her fangs and nails.