I'm even going to ping you guys twice, [s]just because I can[/s] because it's important. Anyway, first boss fight! Glad you guys have made it this far, it's been I think a month? Congrats. You haven't left (yet). [i]throws confetti[/i] Good luck, I hope to see some cool teamwork ohoho Expect more art n stuff, but also slower posts. I'm having my computer time severely cut off, so you won't be seeing as much of me. I'm still gonna be chatting with you over PMs and stuff, because character development is important to me, okay. Just... not as quickly. Cheers! Thanks for sticking around >w< [@Metamore][@Canidae][@ReveTheDreamer][@QueenNugget][@AGenericUser][@Insert Alias][@Cherrywitch][@pandapolio][@Joker892]