[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/47a888d2-9910-4b1a-bff8-05214ddc08a4.gif[/img] [h1][color=fff257]Acion Nakamiji[/color][/h1][/center][hr] Those planes never appeared again. [color=fff257]”What was that about?”[/color] Was somebody practicing their quirk? And was it had any relation to paper? The thought lingered in his mind for a while, but had to be discarded as it was distracting him from his training. Soon, he grounded himself and began his next training exercises. And the next. And the next. Until the clock reached the near top: 10 PM. It was then that he stopped, not because he was too tired to continue, but because he had to stop. Not only he had a certain curfew that restricted his movement, he ought to have a good rest for tomorrow’s class. It would begin at eight thirty, so he wouldn’t want to be sleep deprived. Besides, he had been training for over two hours now, his muscles needed some rest. Acion, all by himself, in the middle of the night, ceased all activities, as he stood firmly on the ground, resting for a little while before cleaning up the courtyard, as it was littered with sharp feathers that he threw throughout the entirety of the training session. The night was cold, chilly, but for some reasons, the winged boy loved it. It was refreshing enough to clear all the distractions, wipe off all worry and flounders of the day, all the tiredness and immediate physical pain of his workout. But it was also harsh enough, cold enough for him to feel uncomfortable during his quick-paced practicing. It was the perfect setting for the angelic Acion to focus only on his tasks ahead of him: Practicing, perfecting, breaking his own limit, and soaring out to his goals. It was surprisingly helpful. It may not be a bad idea to do this more regularly. Acion left the courtyard with that in mind, as he walked back to the dorm. He walked gently and quietly, so as not to wake up anyone, since he was fairly late. Sneaking into his own room quietly, as his roommate had already fallen asleep, Acion grabbed a change of clothes along with his other bathing stuff before heading out and bathed in the common shower. It was public, but since he was in for it really late in the night, there was no one there. It really felt good when he could have it all for himself. But knowing that it was not a good thing to take it long, he only spent around ten minutes in it, before changing in and returning to his dorm After finishing his bath, he drilled a bit on his assignment before going to bed. It was rather easy for him to remember, being a fairly perceptive kid he was. He quietly slipped into bed, into the soft and squishy mattress, and the warm blanket, his wings wrapped around him as another layer. Having a bed especially designed for himself, the school would be damned if Acion was not satisfied with the staff’s work. He passed out almost immediately.[hr] [center][color=fff257][h1]The next day - 7:00 AM[/h1][/color][/center] Five hundred meters Three hundred fifty Two hundred. One hundred Fifty meters Ten meters [color=fff257]”HNNGGGG!!!!”[/color] Acion’s previous maneuver nearly costed him his face. A move considered so devastating that it could instantly decimate his flying opponent the instant he perform it, if everything went well. But the big, big drawback to that was very apparent: It was nigh irrecoverable, and the G forces would turn his brain into an overcooked chicken. And what just happened was the clearest evidence. The move was extremely sophisticated and momentum-consuming that the moment he ended his opponent and reclaimed his throne of the sky, he would have to quickly regain his spatial awareness and regain his momentum. And usually when he did get his awareness back, he was already falling straight to the ground. So his only option would be to pull up before he hit the deck. The real problem lied on the highly-situational value of this move, as flying quirk users were relatively rare, so a true airborne enemy would be difficult to find. Most enemies would be ground-based, so if he were to perform it, he would have to do it in low altitude. And an attempt at that, just nearly costed him a trip to hospital. Looking back at the armor that his sister had given him, there was a huge scratch on it, caused by the near crash that he just did. Not a good thing for a start, but at least he returned in one piece. It was a good start, for difficult stuff like that.   Checking the watch, Acion decided to stop his training, as class would be starting in an hour and a half. He again, gathered his stuff and left the school’s courtyard. He had a quick shower, returned the set of armor back to his room and headed for a quick and traditional English breakfast before running straight for class. Arriving in class just less than ten minutes before class started, and yet the class was nearly empty. The only occupants in the room was a girl with dark colored hair tied into a side ponytail, who appeared to be a newcomer, and the teacher, sitting apathetically at his desk. Acion only gave him a slight bow, before recognizing what was up for the day. [color=fff257]”Team Echo. Luelle Hailey, Haruka Sanageyama…”[/color] He read [color=fff257]”...and Donny Yang…”[/color] It was definitely a team exercise. He did not knew the other two. They seemed to be newcomers as well. But Donny...well...He was not bad. An interesting guy at the least. But in the last exercise, he was not highly rated, and to Acion, his method of bringing down an entire building was utterly destructive and lethal. Sure, it had the potential to take out the entire team, but this was a training exercise, not actual combat. Even in actual combat, that course of action should not be done as a first resort. It was destructive, lethal and wasteful of resources. But who could question Mr Akihito here? He was a teacher after all. The team’s composition didn’t seem quite in his favor, since most of the brawlers from the other exercise were all on the other team. But to Acion, a proper strategy can enable a man by himself, to fend off a thousand men. It was not entirely a dead composition. Donny, to Acion, could still do some nasty damage, as long as someone actually kept him in check. And there were two whom he didn’t know the exact capability. They could be a great asset, who knows.