[hr][hr][h2][b][i][color=Silver][center]Rathe Grey & [color=blue]Chiya![/color] Location: Hyall, Drunken Unicorn Inn, Realm of Terreille[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [hr][hr][center][h3]Interacting With: [@Mega Birb][/h3][/center] [hr] Rathe was contented with his observations of the new city that he found himself within. The people who crossed were not of his kin and several gave him odd glances, some even bordering on curious and filled with desire. Yet through it all he remained on his vigil as he always has. True he was no longer at the walls of Helios, but now his vigil was for both himself and for his compatriots. That is why he only purchase three rooms, so his companion would double up and be able to watch one another's backs. Just as he and Chiya would in the third room. Yet just because they were in a foreign place, did not mean one could not enjoy it. Chiya making a prime example of this by running all about in the inn, like a kid in a candy shop. Wide-eyed and happy to make such new discoveries like currency, perfume, and silk. All while under the watchful gaze of the biggest Eryian in the place. For Chiya he was amazing by everything. Scampering around with his small size to weave a path in between legs of both people and chair as he ran up to many strangers who took on a different appearance from the Eryians he was used to seeing. Taking his chance to run up to a table of Hayllians and chipperly chiming up with his tail wagging so fierce his entire hind end was sway side to side, [color=blue]"Hello! I'm Chiya! I don't know who you are, but now you know me! And I haven't seen people like you before! What are you and I like your eyes!"[/color] He blurted out, though to a mixed take and it appeared that they didn't understand him. Though one did speak up to hi and that he is called Jared. So the race must be called Jaredians! What a strange name for a race... Chiya thought to himself before scampering off to his next big find. Though before he could go and make a new discovery, it appeared as if somebody made a discovery of him! Some lady with black silks and she wasn't like others he has met. She looked kinda different, but she offered something in her hand at his height! Looking over to her he sniffed the air and raised his head, directing his attention to her before lowering his head and sniffing his way closer. Though before he reached her his nose was raised, his tail began to wag ferociously and he ran at her. Just barely skidding to a stop before he started speaking out to her, [color=blue]"HI! My name is Chiya! I don't know who you are, but now you know me! What do you have?"[/color] He looked away from the lady's face and down towards her hand, sniffing at the morsel in her mits before giving it a second look and taking a snap. Yoinking the bit from her grip and chomping it into his maw. A quick taste and a snarf later and he had consumed the snack, looking back to the treat giver and speaking up cheerily once again, wagging his tail even more feircely as he did, [color=blue]"That was good! And tasty! THank you for it, but who are you? And why did you give me that? Is that how your people say hello? WIth offerings of food? If so then I'm sorry, but I don't have something for you but I can get something! But first! Um... what is your name! My name is Chiya! Like I said before, but now you know it again! You know, in case you forgot! Not that I thought you did! But better be safe than sorry! That's what my big brother always says!"[/color]