[center][h2][color=82ca9d]Chapter One: In the Gutters and Streets[/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/fd/e8/05/fde805e0cf3cca5d9a544a92d3827527--art-medieval-medieval-town.jpg[/img][/center] The harsh winter season is fast approaching the City of Volstryggr, the winds from the nearby Sea of Nostrok chill the morning and evening air. This minor inconvenience does not stop the hardy citizens as trade and everyday life goes on while the children eagerly await the first frost. What is different is the expression they wear on their faces, the dreaded serial killer known as the 'Blood Angel' is officially tied to the murders of 57 individuals of varying race, age, and gender. Every missing person report is now accompanied by the fear that the Blood Angel had selected them as their next victim. Only one gruesome detail is known about the killer, and that is the gruesome way that each victim is found. Their backs sliced open and muscle tissue splayed out like a pair of wings and nailed against a wall. This seemingly random method of murders has left the general populace fearful as investigators, under the command of Vey Katama, desperately try to find any clue that may lead them closer to capturing the greatest terror the city has ever faced. This morning, gray skies paint over the normal blue background of the grand capital and with it the first flakes of snow begin to fall down, a light flurry accompanied by a nose-biting bitter cold. There a few more officers stationed throughout the city that what is normal with even Sentinels and their handlers on patrol. The normal noise and commotion that is typcial of a large city is just a bit quieter, the chilled air feels somehow heavier with the weight of an event not yet known or has yet to occur. Besides this small irregularity, Today is just another day. People are covered head to toe with warm, winter clothes....well almost all of them, a few of the races are enjoying the cold weather such as the Ice Giants. Taverns are filled with freezing patrons looking for a warm place to get a hot meal and socialize. Forgetful shoppers scurry throughout the market hoping to stock up on fuel for their fireplaces and food for their cupboards so they can stay indoors during the snowfall. Amidst this rather plain, peaceful day lies a secret hidden from the public. A dark red compliments the white, freshly laid snow in the one of the many tight alleys within Volstryggr. The Blood Angel has taken another a victim but this time it was not some random citizen. No, the implications of this murder are much more severe as does the message, scrawled in blood: "[color=ed1c24]Practice is over. Let the real game begin[/color]."