Hey guys, finally got a chance to hop on after a way to long of day at work. Just wanted to keep people updated and let you all know I should have my own sheet up tonight. I should be on checking the thread for any comments/questions in the meantime [@Default] Love the sheet-specialy like the nickname he hates. :lol You mind if he and my main character Max are already friends? [quote=@BubblegumQueen] Hmm, I'm personally thinking of making maybe a teenage girl and her late 20's - early 30's year old brother. (Or maybe sister, not sure.) Would that work, do you think? [/quote] Yeah, sounds great! I wonder if he will have a cool car... Oh,and if you are also interested in having your character already know/be friends with/hate my character Max just let me know,same goes for the older brother and Max's sister-she is early 20's and works at Kate's Kitchen as a waitress.