NTBITIH [b] Original Character[/b] [b][u]Cygnus Center[/u][/b] [img] https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fairytailfanon/images/d/d2/Drake_after_timeskip.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110619063146https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f6/2a/77/f62a77d2e9aebebf0b9fc0ef30d07d5f.jpg[/img] Note: Add some shield gear and then it would be perfect! Name: Kev Koroko Age: 20 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Skills and powers: -Powers: -Gravity Manipulation. Can create pinpoint centers of heavy gravity or small areas of no gravity. He is required to have touched the object that will be the center of mass for his power, like his throwing stars or a pen. This power takes a lot of concentration if using for prolonged periods of time, anything over a minute takes concentration and is near impossible to hold more than two points at a time. -Perfect balance: Though not exactly a power and more his own training, he can keep perfect balance in most all situations, this helps him with aiming his throwing weapons more accurately. -(Possible and removable if too much) Historia Trinketus: He can tell the history of an item from close study of it and holding it for at least three minutes. -Skills: Kev is skilled in more distanced combat and has struggles in close quarters. He isn't the strongest but has enough muscle to get by. If confronted in close quarters he tries to keep distance and get close only to land a blow or look for an opening to use his gravity control to mess with his opponent. He can not last long in this situation though and will require back up if this happens. He is a great shot with throwing items and is training with fire arms. Bio: Kev was born to a small family in Worcester Massachusetts.  His mother a history teacher and his father a astrologist. With knowledge all around him as he grew up, he loved his early life as a student, a normal student at a private school near Boston MA. In his college life he learned more of the world hidden from him. Mutants, powerful people, corruption... It was odd to him that people wouldn't be accepted... Then again he wasn't one to socialize. Then when he was confronted by someone on a rant over mutants and ethical his powers flared as he pushed the man out of his way and instead of just moving to the side, he fell to the ground as though he weighed more then an elephant. Kev was forced to leave the anti mutant campus after acts he wishes to forget, he turned to someone to train him and he found his way to S.H.I.E.L.D. he has been working with them for the past 3 years in training. His powers being honed, and skills being sharpened. Where will this path take him? This path of a guardian in an unsure world... Other: He is accepting and trustworthy. He hopes to do good to makeup for the bad he sees in the world he was sheltered from. Theme:[url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vQYLRAU1-k[/url]