Elsa tried to remove herself from the situation occurring before her. She turned her back and raised her eyes heavenward then closed them, drowning out the screams and the carnage with the music in her mind. [i]Child of the wilderness... born into emptiness... learn to be lonely...[/i] Her lips faintly turned up into a smile. It has been the song she had done at her first public performance. Many in attendance had cried. Her friends had been shocked at the depth of emotion she had displayed. It was when they had learned a truth about Elsa : she saved all of her emotion, all of her vulnerability, for her music. A violent shove on her shoulder knocked her from her own world and back to the present. The bitchy woman she'd been having trouble with since the beginning pushed past her, nearly knocking her over. "The fox says we're going on," she said acidly. "Or you can feel free to stand there like a moron in dreamland and get mauled. But I would much rather watch that hot fae king rip you to shreds," she added, smiling evilly. "Wipe that ice bitch look off of your face. Make you scream. Make you beg for mercy." Elsa did not reply. It was beneath her. The woman was masking her own fear by going after others and it seemed Elsa was her prime target. So they were moving on? That was fine by her. She wanted to get to the palace, or whatever they called it here, and find out her place in all of this. All she wanted was the opportunity. Just one opportunity to show her talent, to earn a place NOT in the stomach of one of these creatures. The sounds from below them made her want to grind her teeth and cover her ears, but she set her jaw and stared straight ahead. The child, at least it looked like a child, caught her interest, especially his black eyes. Elsa had a secret obsession with dark urban legends and one of her favorite to read about was of "The Black-Eyed Children". She wondered if it was creatures like this child that inspired such stories. How many other urban legends were inspired by fae creatures? Was she going to see some form of Slenderman or The Rake pop up somewhere? One of the male fae watching their procession eyed her up and down, a forked tongue sliding out to lick his lips. Elsa immediately averted her eyes and thanked whatever deity was listening that she could not read minds. Of course his expression could be read easily enough. It made her skin crawl.