[center][b]Shores of Lake Listless - Arara and Orion[/b][/center] The cache that dropped below the surface of the lake had apparently shifted its position, as now it was reading from the forest on Sinkhole Island. There were many underground tunnels in the area, and some of them were currents leading to and from the lake. They possibly came from underground Dust deposits interacting oddly with the water, or maybe there was something unique about the terrain that created underwater jet-streams. They were connected to the island, as people who were lost in one of the island's "sinkholes" sometimes found themselves, if they survived, in odd caverns inside the mountain, or near the ravine. Maybe some of these streams led [i]to[/i] the island as well? Maybe the cache was floating in a spring on the island, caught on the root? Or maybe something moved it, though what could move the cache from the lakebed to the middle of the island? Whatever it was, it had moved once, and if Team N[B]O[/B]V[B]A[/B] didn't move quickly, they might lose the chance to retrieve the cache completely.