[@DC The Dragon] alright! His power it to make areas with high or low gravity. Essentially pin someone in place or make so little gravity it makes things floaty for lack of a better term. He need to have contact with the center of the area and the area can't extend to far. His balance is partially due to his ability to create centers of gravity, he has practiced centering his balance and can use his manipulation of gravity to assist him. The history of objects was something I thought could be useful out of combat and helps link his family to the power list. I am fine removing it if wanted as well. I made him to be someone to help and not be the center of it all. He can aid allies with his powers to keep them grounded or pin enemies in place with well placed high gravity zones. Then as I said the history skill is for the out of combat and more behind the scenes nature. I hope this is all okay and I am more then willing to make alters as needed. I am a little rusty on making OCs and hope this guy is alright