There was no loss of memory for Liz, and the woman was already well accustomed to the constant shenanigans of their host. It was with a stoic face she received her plate, an equally deadpan expression remaining as she inspected the bone further. Soup bones were often the largest bone of the utilized meat, and the woman appeared to be measuring up what the size of the animal might have been. There was nothing that would surprise her at this rate, and so the woman responded with as much grace as a dog-lady might. The gift the Lycian's received provided them with a powerful jaw, and unnaturally sharp teeth, despite the fact only the canines appeared minutely changed, [i]all[/i] of their teeth had benefited from it. So it was with this gift she had taken the bone in hand, brought it to her mouth, and found the ideal spot to break the bone open. She reclined back in her chair with an easy posture, eventually working at the bone enough she could break it in half. Without so much as batting an eyelash, the woman began sucking the marrow straight out. Evidently it didn't taste that bad. "I can still taste the broth. The soup would be good. Had you offered any." Her gaze lingered on him for a moment, and rather than irritation there was something of a challenge there. She wouldn't rise quite so easily these days. After a moment or two she'd looked to Lia, curious to hear if she would indeed offer her story. And yes. She kept slurping the marrow straight out of the large bone--as quietly as she could, if it was any consolation to the others at the table.