[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC5hZGFhMDAuUkdWeWFXTnJJRkJoYkcxbGNnLCwuMQAA/haziness.regular.png[/img] [sup][@Surtr][@OppositionJ][@Darquesse] [color=6ecff6]Thompson Lumber Mill Inc.[/color][/sup][hr][hr][/center] Well, this was just great... seriously good grief. In the span of a couple of minutes, a lot of shit just transpired... and Derick, well... he was kind of an observer for the most part, recounting everything that lead up to everyone's only way in getting fucked over by this shining pinnacle of education who just called them losers... Back from the beginning of his arrival, he supposed... [hr] The boy looked up at the girl, casually lounging about on the windowsill, his eyes alternating between drooping and blinking every few seconds. He almost yawned something out as the girl welcomed the congregating group of misfits to "the second party." Derick slowly twisted and turned his head around and shrugged. Honestly, if this was the second party, then it kind of made sense why these two (and a lot of others) wanted to get in... ... or, at least he had a good idea since he had gone to parties like this before. Extending and arm up to stretch, he grunted a bit, pursing his lips as he grunted a bit. Feeling less tense, he gave the girl in the window a slight wave and a very noticeable nod, to the point where it almost seemed like he was bowing from her angle. Suddenly, he let his hand droop back to the side, no rhyme or rhythm to it. Honestly though, he would be lying to himself a bit further if he didn't admit there was something at the party that they might have... something [i]these[/i] two managed to coerce him with. Booze. Not weakass martini's... no, real hard shit like Barcadi, Amasterdam, all that jazz. Forcibly breaking himself from his trance, he blinked a bit, bringing him back to the reality that was him, standing in the midst with a randie on the window and Jordan... and some other people who popped out of the woodwork's. Derick slowly sighed, looking over at the duo. Honestly, yeah, he could understand why Jordan was acting up... waltzing up like they owned the place without batting an eye for other people... and these thoughts were coming from [i]him[/i] out of all people... it was kinda... freaky. Regardless, Derick just gave the butt-buddies a passive aggressive glare with a squint and rather pronounced frown to top it off. The red head even went as far as to furrow his brows at the duo before flinching at the sudden sound emanating from the roof. As far as he knew, he took note that Kim was doing... god knows what, trying to break into the party like a thief using the roof to try and break in to some museum that held an extraordinary gem... but that was besides the point. Derick stared up a bit, steadily breaking away from that irritated visage he had displayed earlier. While he did appear to have little to no concern for his friend, his heart skipped a beat when he heard that tangible amount of noise. [color=aba000]"Kim,"[/color] he quizzically murmured, his voice sounding anxious as he lurched a bit towards the ladder. Of course, this was followed by Jordan distressingly announcing to him that that something might of happened... with that nickname. Honestly, if anyone else but them called him that, he would seriously consider thwacking them on the head with his walking stick. Only these two were cool with him for calling him Rick... Regardless... Derick blankly looked over to Jordan who looked as if she was pleading to a judge over innocence. In response, he closed his eyes and nodded, understanding what she meant and showing that he empathized with her on that aspect. Along with that, he jutted his chin towards the roof, displaying that he did have an idea of this whole insane... scheme they were plotting out. Then there was the apology. [color=aba000]"... try not to do it when y'all drag me 'round again,"[/color] he quipped back, forcing a chuckle for what could be counted in seconds on one hand before returning his attention to the roof... ... and he nodded. From what he knew, Jordan just... kind of hated heights... but him? Well, he had his own issues, but it was a hell of a gamble for him... and he preferred not going to the hospital for breaking his arm after falling off the ladder or roof. But still... ...hmm... Just before he could think any further on the subject, one of the other randies offered to ensure that Kim was safe... after making a small quip at Derick, which caused him to just roll his eyes. Just because he had a walking stick didn't mean he had to be compared to a fictional character, but eh, whatev's. At this randies beck and call, Derick shrugged and decided to assist him, nonchalantly walking over to ladder at a somewhat slow pace. Propping his walking stick at a certain angle that could hold him up just in case, Derick latched onto the ladder, looking up at the man as he continually made his way up onto the rooftops. Once the redhead was certain he was up there, he trudged forward a bit and bent the angle of his stick upwards. Eventually, he readjusted himself before slowly backing away. Despite this all, Derick was still honestly debating on whether or not to go up there... but while he was debating, he heard the randie (he really needed to get the dude's name or something) shouted out something about shroom's and other crap... That only elicited an eyebrow raise from Derick. That was... peculiar. [color=aba000]"Uh, I'm pretty friggin' sure she was clean before comin' here,"[/color] he blandly spoke up, ruffling the back of his red hair. Honestly, at this point he was about to say fuck it and climb up the ladder to try and figure out [i]why[/i] she was screaming. He tilted his head, musing on if she got an injury or something and just frowned. Pressing one hand to his chin, he began to rub it while grinding his teeth just a bit before taking a few steps towards the ladder. Of course, any attempt at seeing what the hell was going on was just about too late. [hr] ... and that's where he came in now. The too late portion had kicked in when the epitome of this universities education came strolling on in, insulting them on. Derick just shook his head, sighing as he rubbed his temple with the palm of his hand. [color=aba000]"That's ironic,"[/color] he calmly spoke to himself, his voice reduced to a low murmur that it would be impossible for anyone to probably notice. Honestly, he really wanted to say he didn't give a shit about this all, but to be frank, he just didn't like this punks attitude. He might of not been one of the "cool kids" any more, but he could still smell the fact that this guy was a wannabe, a tool. Honestly, the whole fact that you tell the whole college you're having a part and alienate some people was just plain retarded. ... but with this guy in the way... hm. [color=aba000]"... shit,"[/color] he muttered watching as the guy made quick work of the ladder. They were in a real rut right now, the boy shoved one hand as he pivoted around and walked back to Jordan. His hands shifted around in his pockets, making a small jingling noise within as he retrieved his keys and began swinging them around. Suddenly, they made a small *tink* as they slammed against the cushion of his hand. He then held out both his walking stick and car keys to Jordan, leaning in to whisper to her. [color=aba000]"Get inside, grab Kim and the hardest bottle f'alcohol; I'll be out runnin' an 'errand' for a few minutes,"[/color] he whispered to Jordan, waiting for he to grasp at the walking stick and take away the keys. Once Jordan procured those two items, he stumbled around a bit, trying to maintain a sense of balance. In truth, it took him a few seconds, but it was somewhat difficult to pull off. To any other person, it would look like Derick was a drunk, stumbling around in the dark. [color=aba000][i]"Welp, time to hope my legs don't buckle under me now..."[/i][/color] Turning around, he faced the taunting muscle head, shoving both of his hands into his coat pocket, doing his best to look intimidating... the way he acted was a whole other story. [color=aba000]"Oh? I din't see any fuckin' list in [i]your[/i] greasy hands over who has access to the party, also, what's the point of having most of the students know there's a party when more than half of them ain't even invited,"[/color] Derick shouted out, sounding almost completely bored about this whole process. [color=aba000]"If anything, the only thing I see is some dumbass actin' as a scapegoat fer the 'cool kids,' and'n outlet for those y've denied entry,"[/color] he wobbled a bit forward, putting up a false bravado as he forced out a smirk, shaking his head and acting like a smug jackass with false pity to coat it all. Snapping his fingers, he pointed a finger gun directly at the guy who could probably put him in intensive care with just a few looks. [color=aba000]"Plus, f'you were one of em' faggot, someone else would be in your position. Face it, you're no different than the 'losers' standing out here."[/color] Derick let out a small huff, shifting his legs around, squinting as he waited for any signs of malicious movements towards him. He could probably outrun this guy... maybe. Well, this was just great... seriously good grief.