[img]https://img00.deviantart.net/1bd9/i/2014/076/a/2/alleyway_night_by_jackeavesart-d7ajsdm.jpg[/img] [center][color=2E8B57][h2][u][b]Chapter 1: Contracts[/b][/u][/h2][/color][/center] [quote] [i]Psshhh~~ Hey, you... Yes, you! Come over here...[/i] Have you heard about the mission board? Do you know where to find it? I'm looking to post a contract... No, not just any board! Damn it! [i]THE[/i] MISSION BOARD~! The only notorious one... Forget it! Now f*** off girl, you are just useless...[/quote] The story will be about a very mysterious mission board located in a random dark alleyway in the City of No Names. In this city, crime is breakfast, lunch, dinner, and supper; and here nobody cares about who you are or what you do... and when they care, they want you dead. [color=DAA520][u]About the Mission Board[/u][/color] It is RUMORED that there is a mission board somewhere in the alleyway filled with random posts of assassination contracts. Day after day, anonymous killers will come and pick up one of the contracts to fulfill them. It is said that when you have finished a contract of your picking, a mysterious pouch of money will appear in front of your doorsteps in the following day; no matter where you live or who you are. You can also post contracts on the board. They say that you don't even have to pay for it; as whoever is in charge will make you pay somehow... I wonder if it is a money payment, or something else... [color=DAA520][u]The Bigger Lore: Urban Creatures[/u][/color] So I'm planning on a series of role-plays about creatures lurking around in urban areas. They are monsters that are highly specialized in stealth and OBVIOUSLY they hunt humans down for meals. So, most of the people in this universe have no knowledge or even awareness about their existences. "Contracts" will be the first part of the series, and we will first focus on the human inhabitants of No Name City. you can role-play as a killer, a contract-poster, just a local, or even a curious detective *wink wink* ;). "Contracts" will reveal more about the nature of this universe overtime (and you can help me build it! :D) and I'm really looking forward to seeing how the game goes. [img]https://www.desktopbackground.org/t/2012/02/07/340054_fear-2-wallpapers-31926_1920x1200_h.jpg[/img] [i]Pending... Chapter 2: The Bestiary (Steampunk)[/i]