“You’ve always been a nerd,” the Georgian said with a laugh, though it was not unkind. It was something that had brought them closer and made her feel more comfortable with him while she was trying to hang out with his older brother. “I’m glad to see that some things don’t change.” The events of the day still lingered in her mind but it was easier to push them aside while she could reminisce about something else. “I guess Juntao had to keep the company while you travelled down here.” Elodie wondered if it had been Kaz’s decision to come back down here or if his older brother had simply told him to do so. She wanted to ask if he was happy – if they were both happy – but refrained barely. Tucker moved to her legs, pushing against them almost in a cat-like motion. “Katie was sweet,” Elodie said, her fingers tapping on one mug as the coffee continued to brew. “But they weren’t happy. I think Tyler wanted kids, and she didn’t. I’m actually planning on buying soon, since the clinic is finally taking off. You think that everyone would want a vet finally in this small ass town, but…” She ran a hand through her blonde hair, laughing slightly as she turned to Kaz. “I guess my prices had to be adjusted for people to want to come. I mean, it’s a dog friendly town so it isn’t like people don’t care about the pets.” Her fingers shakily picked at the skin of her cuticles, hearing the bubbling brew still behind her. They were slowing and she turned back to the coffee pot, pouring the nearly boiling liquid into the mugs. She pulled at one of them, black and strong, before placing it on the table for Kaz. Ellie moved to the refrigerator and pulled out creamer, a sweet vanilla that would not require any additional sugar, before taking that and her own cup to sit on a marble table beside a comfortable leather couch. Her blue eyes moved over Kaz, seeing a look of confusion that prompted her to continue to watch him. He was just as attractive as ever, especially in the suit he’d come into town in. And she hated him for it; would she have felt better to see him fat and ugly? In fact, he almost looked a little too skinny, at least compared to when she’d last seen him. All of the baby fat had left his face, and she doubted it had stayed on any other part of his body. She blushed and went to pour her creamer into the coffee and put it to the side. She took a sip, testing the temperature, and turning her head when Kaz moved towards her. Ellie’s brows furrowed as she looked at Kaz’s features, unsure what had set him off. His smile didn’t look quite right but she would let it go for now. “It’s not that special,” she said, still looking at him and trying to figure out if it was just stress of today or from the phone conversation he’d had. “Just takes a lot of work, probably the same as being a CFO or anything else.” Elodie wanted nothing more than to reach out and grab Kaz’s hand, although she simply used her free hand to wrap around the mug. She took a sip of the coffee and groaned slightly at the temperature. “Are you okay?” she asked finally, hoping she didn’t make this reunion any more awkward than it already had been.