[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7GQOccN.png[/img][/center][hr][color=1F86FE]”We will all die a horrible, untimely and painful death and my, or I guess our squad now, will follow soon.”[/color] He completed Srin’s unfinished sentence. [color=1F86FE]“Just a day at the office, no? Perhaps I should have listened to father’s advice and been a cook.”[/color] he grumbled, returned the rangefinder in the appropriate pouch and jumped to his feet, reaching for the transmit button. [color=1F86FE]”Tube, find a decent foxhole and wait for us, we are going to see if the outpost is safe. If we don’t return, head back into the woods, report it to Chariot and try to meet up with them.”[/color] [color=A70000][b]”Don’t do anything stupid in there and return at the first sight of trouble. We can’t afford to lose any more people.”[/b][/color] Edward sprinted across the open field until he reached the first wall. Waiting for Srin, he peered over the wall, only to find another one, bigger and intact about fifty meters from the one he was at. [color=1F86FE]”Looks like a killing field. Unlike this one, that wall over there is intact as far as I can see. The outpost seems to have power, too. No way but forward. I just hope there’s not some guy with a happy trigger finger on that wall, human or alien.”[/color] The space between the outer walls and the outpost itself was probably meant to force anyone trying to get to the outpost to cross open ground. A feature as old as the term ‘fortification’ itself. Sadly, that meant they would have to do so as well. He was about to get out of cover and begin the trek when he froze, an ugly thought worming its way into his brain. [color=1F86FE]”Wait wait wait. Call me paranoid, but this looks like a perfect place for someone to put up a minefield. I know I would. You’re an explosives expert, right? Do you have a metal detector or anything that would alert us to any mines in the area, just in case there are any. A few hundred of them, I’d say.”[/color] Letting Srin take the lead, Edward kept looking over his shoulder every ten or so seconds, but it simultaneously allowed him to observe the outpost itself. [color=1F86FE]”I thought it would be bigger as a central base.”[/color] he murmured. [color=1F86FE]”Looks like it might be quite cramped in there.”[/color] Step by step, they neared the outpost and with it, hopefully, some safety. [color=1F86FE]”Lead on, I’ve got our backs.”[/color] [@Amaranth]