Ah, I've never seen so many 'political' things all at once. [s]So glad I had three people whine at me for that.[/s] [quote=@POOHEAD189] So Twitter is going from 140 to 280 characters. This outta be a wacky ride. [/quote] Has literally been nothing but shitposting. What else can you expect from the internet. [quote=@Cyndyr] I found that my college is where apparent The Triggering occurred. I felt the urge to tell somebody, but nobody on campus gives a shit. That leaves me with you guys. Hopefully you can have a little fun poking at my college or some shit like that. Enjoy? [/quote] If I don't get banned or bitched at for doing so sure. Play them this. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRquPxdHNGE[/youtube]\ [@Dynamo Frokane] Ah, back to the good old political memes, the truest form of political discourse. I can see how that differs from mine...somehow. Though, the 13 year old argument seems a touch misplaced since it's the left that defends pedophiles. [@ErsatzEmperor] Shows overrated.