[hider=On Removing Characters Mid-Delve]Asura's last post was only 8 days ago. The thread itself is only 9 days old. I would want to wait at least two weeks total before considering booting a character off a mission. I think with that sort of mindset there is the potential for too much character-switching to happen which would adversely affect the flow of the game. During a battle this could be fatal. Currently if a player becomes inactive anyone may jump in and control that character. After a mission all characters rest in town and a player must say whether they are sending them on the next mission or not. So inactive characters will automatically end up resting in town, allowing new players to jump in if they wish, and old players to come back if they want to take a break for a few missions but still have their stats. All that being said, I am considering opening up for two groups which would allow for 12 characters max, as well as giving you all more choice on the sort of missions you want to go on. Small posse missions feel quite different to large posse ones and it would be interesting to see varying amount of "Threat Level" cards (more on that later...) Also, the assets kind of build on themselves, so it gets easier to do things quicker the more the game is played. I want to see how combat goes first though before I start running dual missions, but that's something guarenteed to happen during game so ;) [/hider] TL:DR Not switching out characters yet, considering running two missions once this mission is over for more variety. Bear in mind if you want to speed all this up though, just need to find two clues and complete the mission. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯