"Hmm...?" With a judgemental expression, Tamamo listened to her Master's explanation. With how calmly he talked, he was either completely truthful, or a seasoned womaniser with way too much experience placating his partner. The fox-eared Caster gave the latter possibility far too much thought before giving him the benefit of the doubt. Besides, she was also curious about the current scenario. Mainly that this person had already summoned multiple Servants, which was a mildly unusual event when it came to Grail Wars. Atalanta introduced herself to the fox, and she glanced at her fellow animal-eared Servant. Did their Master [i]really[/i] prefer such a thing? Tamamo would be happy if that were the case... but she would not tolerate anyone othe than herself providing such a service! After a moment of seemingly sizing the Archer up, she put on a somewhat-forced smile to maintain politeness and lightly gripped her hand in return, "Lovely to meet you~ I am Cas..." Come to think of it, they were all freely sharing their true names, huh? Atalanta and Nobunaga... that greatly decreased the odds of this simply being some form of temporary alliance, meaning she could trust the cat and the skeleton. To a point, at least; she would need to be wary of the fact that her Master was in the presence of several women, after all. "...Tamamo-no-Mae!" She finished, and tilted her head as Keisuke disappeared to fetch some items, "...Cooking? Jeez, I just got here, and Master's already putting me to work~" Not that she seemed at all annoyed by this. After all, it would be her chance to show off! She could safely assume her newly-picked-out costume was a smashing success, now she just had to prove her wifely abilities were far superior to Atalanta and... was Nobunaga even a contender? Eh, better to be safe and assume yes.