[hider=Justin Harken] [b]Name:[/b] Justin Harken [b]Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] Guardian [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Allegiance:[/b] Patron Saints [b]Written Description:[/b] Ask anyone what their first thought was upon seeing Justin and nine times out of ten the answer will be "big." At six and a half feet tall he and his muscles cut an imposing figure. It is somewhat offset however, by the huge smile that seems eternally plastered across his face. With a strong jaw and wide cheekbones that smile can be very big. Above them lies a pair of twinkling blue eyes that, along with his mane of blond hair, hints at a Nordic or Germanic ancestry. When not on duty at the station house or fighting evil in the streets Justin has a very everyman wardrobe. Lots of jeans and T-shirts, a few nicer clothes, some workout clothes. It depends on the day, really. [b]Personality:[/b] Somewhat larger than life in a figurative as well as literal sense. He deeply believes in the mission of the Saints. A warm heart drives Justin forward in both his day job and his self appointed night job. While an iron clad moral code prevents him from straying from the path of the Guardian. He is friendly to all around him. Trying to get to know the members of his team better whenever he can and draw them closer together. There are some parts of being a vigilante that bother him however. For one he would much rather be working with the government to clean up the streets. The fact that many of the police force are little better than crooks themselves eats at him. Killing is also a complicated subject. Justin has taken enough lives already. He knows what doing so means. But he also realizes that sometimes it is unavoidable. Sometimes you can't talk the bad guy down. Sometimes you have to [i]put[/i] him down. [b]Backstory:[/b] Unsurprisingly Justin was not born in Independence City. Raised in the Pennsylvania countryside he was brought up in a family with a history of service. Military, police, EMTs and firefighters. The boy was taught about standing up for the weak and for what was right. Even when it was hard, especially when it was hard. As might have been expected he got into a lot of fights as a kid because of that. Although he never seemed to lack friends as a result of them. When he was eighteen Justin joined the Army. Two full four year tours. The first couple years were in noncombat postings at several US bases around the globe. The second two were active combat in the Middle East. He learned a lot in those two years. Killed his first person, lost friends for the first time. Justin finished his first tour changed but not broken. And when he signed up for another four years he also entered Ranger school. There was no third tour. Eight years in the military was enough for Justin. He wasn't planning on becoming a lifer so he got out. Of course he couldn't just become an office manager or something equally boring after all that. He still wanted to feel like he was part of something, something that was making a difference in the world. So the next step was obviously to become a fireman. For the past year the ex-Ranger has been part of the Independence City Fire Department. It was a busy time before he got superpowers. Now between his duties as a firefighter, Fire Marshal classes and being the Guardian he is finding downtime a rare commodity. [b]Carried Weapons/Items:[/b] 9mm Glock, (rubber and lead rounds.) Six inch "pocket" knife and a small boot knife. Taser. Kevlar armor vest. Zipties. Paracord bracelet. [b]Superpowers:[/b] Justin's ability is a simple one on the surface. He can overwrite, or perhaps reset, a piece of reality back to what he considers normal. Say someone got shot or had a limb hacked off. Most people don't consider that to be normal. So Justin uses his power, the person glows white and is suddenly all healed. It's not limited to people either. Places and things are also free game. There are costs and limits of course. The larger the target the more energy it takes to reset it. Also he can't wish ordinary human beings out of existence. [b]Skills:[/b] Eight years in the army can teach a guy a few things. Especially on how to break people and their stuff. Justin is highly capable in a variety of methods on putting people on or [i]in[/i] the ground. Give him a gun, knives or nothing at all and he can get it done. He also has a solid knowledge of explosives, mechanics and a passing knowledge of structural engineering. Both from his days needing to know to best way to destroy something and his days as a fireman needing to know how to prevent something from being destroyed. [b]Extra:[/b] [/hider]