[@Dynamo Frokane] I guess not on it's own, no. But I'll refrain from getting into discussions of double standards of everyone else. Just lamenting it was there. Because I'm being about as light hearted as possible in this conversation. Probably. But I mean...most politics or media is in it for 'the dolla dolla bills'. So it's not really a huge crime, if graded on a curve. Though I know people would argue hypocrites themselves aren't a problem and in some cases are the best people to talk about things. Like smokers telling their kids not to smoke. Hypocrite? Yes. Wrong? Wouldn't say so. (I know, not quite the same. But just the general idea of calling one a hypocrite. Or someone who would like money to feed themselves and speaking eloquently about politics is how you do it. Isn't itself, a problem. ) Meme would have been better that way.