Collab with [@vietmyke] [right][b]ISD Adamant Armory[/b][/right] "So, what do you think we'll find?" Asked Frederick, as he attached a reinforced plate to the forearm of his black bodysuit. "Secret weapon plans?" "Pah," snorted another trooper, checking a blaster "Probably just troop locations or marching orders." "That's just as good too right? If we know where they are, they'll be all the easier to strike down. The rebels don't have much of a foothold in this sector as it is." Victor tuned out the rest of his squad's idle conversation as he armored himself up, pulling a reinforced durasteel cuirass over his torso. While the standard stormtrooper armor was certainly more protective than any sort of armor worn by rebels or insurgents, Victor found it ultimately lacking for the rigors of combat he expected himself and his men to go through. During the old age of the Empire, Victor would have never raised these concerns to any of his superiors, who would've most likely ignored if not punished Victor for such transgressions. With Moff Orro's permission, Victor had commisioned a more durable set of armor for his own stormtroopers: most of the major portions of the body- torso, head, shoulders, and thighs had been completely replaced with durasteel plates, while the forearms, hands, and feet's plastoid parts were reinforced with durasteel. While the durasteel made the armor more protective, it also made the armor heavier, though Victor found the drawback negligible, as he fully expected his soldiers- men already at or near peak physique- to be able to handle the slightly increased weight without much penalty. The armor had thus far proven quite successful for Victor's special operations troopers, and he was in the middle of greenlighting the shift from plastoid to durasteel for the general stormtrooper corps. In addition to the durasteel armor, Victor's special operations troopers also made use of lightweight assault packs, a smaller, more compact version of the survival backpacks that sand troopers used, carrying spare ammunition, rations, and supplies for a long mission. Securing his black pauldron over his shoulder, Victor grabbed his blaster rifle, an E-11D- a high power variant of the E-11 used by the special operations sector, and looked over his chosen squad. Checking their weapons was a group of 12 men and women, a dozen of the Ultmara Sectors elite stormtroopers. They certainly looked the part, their white stormtrooper armor had long since been marred and dulled with scorch marks and smoke, and they made no effort to clean those marks- shiny armor much more noticeable, and a special operations team liked to remain as unseen as possible. Besides their dusky armor, what really set them apart from their standard counterparts was the deep blue covering their shoulder plates, and a gash of dark blue running down the front of their helmets. The troopers bore a wide array of weapons: Two carried DLT-19 heavy blasters, for heavy fire support, one carried an E-11s sniper blaster, the team's combat medic carried the smaller E-11 carbine, and two of their troopers carried scatterguns alongside their E-11D rifles, the remaining troopers carried E-11D rifles as their primary armanment. Victor turned to Talina, rifle slung over one shoulder, helmet carried by the lip in his other hand. "I believe we are ready ma'am." "I'd agree with that, Tarick." Talina replied as she stood in front of the assembled, handpicked soldiers.She walked in a line, eyeing each of them up, in way inspecting them even though she knew each and every one was ready for war. She was clad in the armor of an Imperial scout trooper, with the color scheme as the troopers she was going to lead on this mission. It wasn't that she couldn't wear the standard Stormtrooper's iconic outfit, but rather she preferred the scout varient's lighter composition. It did come at the expense of less protection, but she wasn't planning on getting hit. An E-11s sniper rifle sat on her back, just waiting to be unslung and used to take down some otherwise unsuspecting rebel scum. Her trusted Model 434 blaster pistol sat in a holster on her hip, while it was not standard issue for Imperial soldiers she was too used to using the weapon to not take it with her. Considering her talent and marksmanship with the high powered heavy blaster pistol, they wouldn't have told her no to taking it regardless. Her helmet was clipped to the armor, it shook slightly as she walked. "You all look ready to kick some rebel ass, that's for sure," She said, a smile breaking onto her face as she paused in her stride, addressing the troops. "I trust that you all have been briefed on the mission, and know who I am. You may refer to me as Commander Eriston, as I am in command for this mission. Your squad leader Tarick knows you all well, and I will rely on his talents, as well as all of yours, to aid us in the mission. I expect to see brillance from every single one of you out on that rock. Don't let me down, don't let Captain Tarick down and most importantly, do not let the Empire down." Talina spoke, her attempt to challenge the soldiers to do their very best. To try be as close to being perfect as they could be. "The current plan is for us to land a distance from the crashed vessel, then approach it on foot. Dirna is a bland, rocky place, as soon as we begin our approach on foot I want our designated marksman to take a higher vantage point. They will be joined by one of the DLT - 19 wielding troopers who will set up a bipod alongside the sniper.Those two will survey the crash site from above, then radio us any signs of life that can be seen. If any rebels are spotted then these two troopers will simply radio the exact locations of the enemy, not engage, only observe until the rest of the team has reached the corvette." Talina stated, glancing towards the squad sniper, then at both the soldiers clenching heavy blaster rifles. "Then we will divide into two groups, simply termed A and B. A and B will seperate and approach the site from opposite directions, using the rocky landscape as cover for the approach. The two with a higher vantage point continuing to observe and report any enemy activity. If there are any enemies outside the ship then those will be engaged and taken out." She stated, laying out the plan. It was subject to change if there were any new developments regarding the crashed vessel. Walking into a trap was not part of the plan. She then pulled a device from one of her pockets and clicked a button on it, a large blue holographic layout of a CR90 corvette rose up from it, displayed before all of the troopers. "A and B will then breach the crashed ship in different locations apart from each other, clearing it out as everyone searches the corvette, neutralizing any surviving rebels as we move, converging in the center once all enemies inside the ship are confirmed dead. From there we extract anything important we can find, then make our escape. The two soldiers on the outside will remain there, ready to provide fire support if rebel troops attempt to flee from the ship or others approach in an attempt to ambush the fire teams. Once our entire squad has regrouped and gotten a safe distance from the crash site a transport will be awaiting us to take us all back here. We do not know how many rebels there are in and around the crash site, so be ready for anything. We have the advantage, if we pull off the approach flawlessly then they won't even know what hit them until we breach the ship and butcher those inside. We're not taking any prisoners." Commander Eriston sternly said, her face showing how serious and comitted she was to a flawless mission. The hologram slowly rotated before she turned it off. She was not used to working with such a large group, but she would try her best to make it work, while holding back her lone wolf tendencies. "Are there any questions? Tarick, would you like to add anything?" She asked, glancing around at each soldier. Dagger squad was solemn faced and silent, different from their standard counterparts, instead of a staggered chorus of 'yes ma'am's, Talina instead recieved a single, uniformed nod from the entire squad. Following this, Tarick stepped to the front to doll out orders, splitting up the unit. "Ashe, Rocks, you're on overwatch." Tarick started, glancing at the marksman and DLT-19 weilder pointedly. "Jakal, Gater, Koss, you're with me." He continued pointing towards one of the pointmen and a pair of riflemen. "Fred, you're taking the rest as team B." It was a strange feeling, referring to other stormtroopers- and even himself by names and nicknames. Most of the Special Operations Troopers were 322nd Legion like himself, and Tarick had spent much of the last several years referring to them by number. It wasn't until they joined up with the Ultmara Sector did they start using their actual names and nicknames- Orro Moff's idea. The Moff didn't like referring to the stormtroopers by number, it took too long, so he took to calling them by name. The rest of the stormtrooper corps under the Ultmara Sector eventually took up the same principle. "Keep it quiet, hit them hard, and we'll be home before they even know they're dead." There was the sound of half a dozen armored gauntleted fists pounding against durasteel chestplates. "SIR!" came the acknowledging reply. "Excellent. Not a single rebel will escape that rock alive. We'll show them how powerful the Empire they foolishly thought they defeated actually is." Talina stated fiercly with a smile as Tarick handed out orders to his loyal soldiers. "I'll go with you and your team, Tarick. Perhaps you'll get to see my talents on display for the the first time in awhile," The Imperial agent added confidently. "I do think we're ready to begin the mission. It would not be wise to waste any time, we should strike as soon as possible. Our team seems as ready and prepared as ever. We do not want to give the rebels any chance on this mission." Talina had a rush of excitement coursing through her normally cool veins. It had been some time since she had participated in a mission on this scale. The chance to strike hard against the rebels ruthlessly and enact total vengence only added to fuel how ready she was. "You heard the boss, Dagger Squad, mount up!" Victor barked as the rest of them finished prepping their gear. "Let's go find us some rebels." Victor remarked cooly as he pulled on his helmet, the second half of his command coming across as a digitally filtered drawl.