[@DC The Dragon] I think you're confused as to what I was asking. Nowhere did I suggest Miles was from the 616 universe. I was asking if you, as the player, are intending for your version of Miles to be [i]similar[/i] to what was recently done, i.e., bring Miles from an alternate universe (one in which Peter Parker had died, as was the events in the Ultimate universe) to this current Absolute universe (the one that we as players will all be writing in). So, my questions are: 1) Is your Miles Morales (your character, not the comic versions) from a separate universe originally? 2) Are you trying to make this Miles the [i]actual[/i] version from Earth 1610? And 3) is your intention to suggest that a similar cataclysmic event such as what was depicted in the comic's Secret Wars has occurred in the multiverse of Absolute Comics? As GreenGrenade has mentioned, Absolute Comics follows it's own, completely separate and unique continuity. It is not beholden or linked to any previous continuities depicted in comics, shows, movies, or other roleplays. You can, and are encouraged to, base your character upon and draw inspiration from events and such depicted in the aforementioned media, but that does not mean your character would actually be from those universes. And, to prevent any further misunderstandings, I am the Co-GM for this game, and am asking these in an official capacity, not to incite any issues. I apologize for that not having been made clear on my part, as obviously I do not have the GM tag yet. EDIT: I'm a little late on the draw, apparently. Curse you, food, for dinging as I was mid-response. I encourage you, DC, to further discuss with [@GreenGrenade] the specifics of your character, and how your intended version of Miles fits with what he envisioned for Spider-Man. I would, though, suggest that alternate universes and people traveling from them to this one not be included quite yet.